Sunday, March 27, 2022

The Irreplaceable Difference

At one point in time, I've noted that Pokémon represents something that is "irreplaceable" for me personally. For some other fans, that yet may be the case in much the same ways as well as different ones. The matter of the "irreplaceable" quality, meanwhile, has been stated by a certain famous person to be linked to the quality of "difference". Considering the statement, it seems that the "irreplaceable" quality of Pokémon may be linked to its "difference" as well and how that is manifested in various forms.

The realism that it offers may be considered one of the points of difference. It may be considered to be quite a stark one in comparison to other similar universes. Though a part of Pokémon is "monster" - taken of course from "pocket monsters" - many of the "monsters" are in fact realistic and can be considered to be full-fledged animals rather than monsters per se. There are still the "monsters" that have a hard time fitting into a realist framework, but by and large the realist quality prevails as a difference.

Pokémon also offers a great deal of enormity and expansiveness, as yet another point of difference. It's big not only in game and entertainment, but also in different forms of media. Its communities are then reflective of that enormity and expansiveness, possessing different scopes while still remaining somehow connected to each other. They also might consider themselves as irreplaceable as they are different to one another, and that reflects the statement at an even more granular level.

What the famous person said about "irreplaceable" being connected to "different" may just be true. Pokémon presents such a different picture of realism that it can be considered unlike any other and thus irreplaceable. Pokémon today is also enormous and expansive with different focuses for different people - though they may remain connected regardless - and that is something that cannot be replaced (easily, even). Whether it's for me or any other fan of Pokémon, things may just be different but arguably unable to be substituted.

Three years ago: Ingress and Out
Four years ago: Pokémon in Common Terms

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