Sunday, May 24, 2020

Pokémon Go Community Day, 5/24/2020

In current times, there seems to be a few things that have to be considered. Some of those things may relate to Community Day for Pokémon Go, which happens to be today, of all days, for this month. They may involve being able to do things within limited circumstances, or they may involve the possibility of taking some leeway to do a few novel things. I've taken some of them into my consideration to improve my own experience, while Pokémon Go seems to have done exactly that, including for that which happened last month.

To start, this Community Day features Seedot, a third-generation Grass-type Pokémon that can evolve into the Grass- and Dark-type Shiftry, and of course its Shiny form. The latter gets Bullet Seed as the special Fast Move that can be obtained through capture and/or evolution. For a change, the bonus this time is triple XP for captures. Due to the current conditions, this Community Day remains as a "Play at Home Edition", with many of the changes implemented the last time remaining the same, as the extended Incense, extended length, Buddy assist, changed-up Community Day Box (now with an Elite Fast TM to suit), and photo surprises. The latter considerations are ones that will likely continue to be as such for a foreseeable time, to be able to do many things while in a limited manner, though one may of course take liberties if at all viable.

Another thing that remained the same is an additional paid Special Research, this time called "Seeing Double". One of the things that make this new paid Special Research (as well as the previous one) fascinating is the lore they contain, in this case the Seedot family being a group of tricky Pokémon. Of course, that's not the actual draw of the Special Research, which is more the bonuses it contains for those who purchase. That being the case, the length of the Special Research and its contained bonuses are more or less the same as last month, but they are still valuable. For those who may still weighing this paid Special Research in consideration, which is also likely to continue, I say consider buying it if it truly is affordable; it's a win-win for the game and everyone, and it bodes well for the continuity of all who are involved. This is a novelty with staying power.

Meanwhile, despite my limited circumstances, I've been able to do quite a few things, even some novel ones. Due to the many new PokéStops around my area, I wanted to go through as many of them as possible to complete the Field Research tasks, to help my Buddy Pokémon, and to use a Poffin on it for the first time ever, which indeed very much helped and necessitated going out. The effort brought up my Buddy Pokémon to Great Buddy status, allowing it to bring back Poké Balls for the crucial final three hours. Overall, I also caught hordes of Seedot with a sizable Candy stock, and I evolved the best one possible, another for PvP purposes, and the best of the Shiny ones that I caught. Speaking of, I also caught 17 of them, but I ended up transferring the worst one owing to space considerations. This may (have to) be the norm for extended Community Days going forward.

There are also a couple of sort-of new things that went on along with Community Day this time around. There is a supposed livestream for Community Day, but when I checked it, it was a live stream... literally, making it reminiscent of that other "livestream from Galar" for the main series games. I'm sure there had been a few benefits from the livestream, but I didn't stick around to find out. Another one is an official voting for the feature Pokémon of the next two Community Days to come, not in Pokémon Go itself, but on its official Twitter account. The winner and runner-up will be the feature Pokémon as such. There appears to be two leading contenders that will likely become the featured Pokémon, though I can't vote because I don't have a Twitter account and don't plan to; still, the leading candidates appear to be very favorable to me and others. For this one, it is best to report on this later when the dust settles.

It has been two Community Days now that have taken place after the current strange times have befallen. Yet with those strange times, there still seems to be some room to consider new ways of doing things and a great capability for such, despite limitations. That, in a way, seems to be fitting for today of all days, which happens to be special in a way. What will likely be more special is for those considerations to occur reasonably now and then brilliantly in a bright future - for everyone as well as Pokémon Go and Pokémon in general.

One year ago: T-Shirts in Distress
Two years ago: Trading Items?
Three years ago: Retro Rendezvous

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