Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Pokémon Adventures: Sword and Shield Manga, Volume 1

If three years ago I obtained the art book for the Pokémon manga series of the same title (Pokémon Adventures), this time around and recently, I've obtained the continuation of the manga for the eighth generation. Rightfully, it is subtitled as Sword and Shield, taking after the games of the same titles. Hidenori Kusaka serves as the story writer for this series, in tandem with Satoshi Yamamoto on the illustration.

This also makes it the very first volume I've owned of this manga series. I recall seeing a copy of an earlier series of the manga a very long time ago, though I did not pick that up for various reasons. This time, seeing as I've enjoyed the art book and desired to become a reader of it, I opportunistically picked up a volume; out of several, I chose this one because of its relatively current state, which might spur my playing of the games (I haven't).

And that brings me to an important point. For those who haven't noticed the running theme, especially based on the art book I showed off earlier, the manga series is based on the games, and its characters are more or less faithful to them. In fact, the "preface" to this volume indicates that indeed, the author and illustrator duo have played the games that become the basis for the manga series, in this particular case Sword and Shield.

Currently, I'm taking my sweet time reading through this entire volume, which is made up of seven chapters that are given the moniker of "adventure". That is rather suitable for this manga series in entirety, and this first volume represents my own beginning to that, which was jump-started by the art book that I possessed earlier. Much lies on the path of Sword and Shield, and that certainly goes beyond this first step of mine into this Pokémon manga series. 

Four years ago: Monotype (of) Sorts

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