Thursday, June 16, 2022

Voice Acting, for Me and...

I've discussed pretty much all the major voice actors for the Pokémon anime, at least the ones related to the extremely well-known main characters, which can be found in the archives on this blog to the right. What I haven't discussed is my personal connections with the art form and how that can still connect to Pokémon. And it is an art form, for without it, most animated things wouldn't be what they are today, including Pokémon. It would thus make sense for different people to deal with it, including myself in some capacity.

At the least, I'm in connection with people that deal with it. One of those people is the girl fan who I've known for years now and still do. She's been involved in (amateur) voice acting for as far back as I can remember, and it's been a key part of that history as our networks connected. I do have to say, though, that she has been less involved in the art due to various reasons, but I still consider her to be still very much connected to the art, something that will always stand out and moreover is connected to Pokémon.

Through her in part, I've also gained connections to a network of voice actors of similar caliber and level, all of them also pop culture fans (not necessarily of Pokémon, though I'm sure some are as well) and creators of what are called "fan dubs" as well. The possibility of creating a Pokémon fan dub might be slightly remote at this point, but it's something that isn't out of the question, and quite a number of them will likely want in on it should one pop up. Regardless, I'm happy to maintain this connection for formality.

Yet the biggest question would be how I personally deal with it - as in, would I want to voice-act something related to Pokémon in some way? The answer would be yes, absolutely. It would likely be assigned for me rather than be something of my own choosing (which would be obvious for readers of this blog). But since I'm a Pokémon fan, it would be an assignment that would carry much honor for me, even if my skills are rudimentary, and I have to stand doing it in the best way possible.

Voice acting will always have its connections to Pokémon with the anime and amateur voice actors who are ready to take up the challenge of fan-dubbing something about it. It also has some personal connections for me beyond my dealings as a Pokémon fan... and maybe some personal desires that could just be fulfilled in the right situation. It's an art form that deserves appreciation, whether or not it is connected to Pokémon and whatever form it may take. However that ends up, I'm glad to be tagging along for the ride.

Two years ago: Go with the Flow
Three years ago: The State of Officialness
Five years ago: Limited Editions

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