Friday, June 17, 2022

Knotting Destinies and Love

The peak occasion for celebrating love in real life may have passed some months ago, but there's no harm in bringing up the topic every so often. The main series of Pokémon games deal with the topic in some ways too, in particular for Pokémon in battle, who may inflict and be inflicted with the status of "infatuation". A related item for that status is Destiny Knot, and it's something that I've been thinking about most recently as I've been thinking about Pokémon in the usual different ways.

Destiny Knot has a unique function; it is a held item that Pokémon may bring into battle. If a Pokémon in battle inflicts the "infatuated" status on a Pokémon holding this item, the inflicting Pokémon also becomes inflicted with the "infatuated" status as well. Since the status prevents Pokémon from attacking most of the time, having both inflicted equalizes conditions, at least hopefully. It also fulfills the premise of the item, which is based on strings that some couples in love tie to each other's fingers to symbolize their link.

While the battle mechanics of this item are normal and expected, the variety of Pokémon that might just use this item (or be on the receiving end of that) could be something to think about. They might contrast each other in size and/or hard to be pictured as being attracted to each other, yet could be made possible by the held item and under the right circumstances. The item and the status are still battle strategies after all, and regardless of the Pokémon involved, they still might apply in different ways.

As a novelty held item in the battles of the main series games, it may or may not get much use, but its properties are unique enough that some Trainers might cleverly and/or sneakily use it. And certainly for me, it has been a sticking point in my recent Pokémon affairs despite not directly dealing with it. There remains much intricacy in the dealings of love even beyond that celebratory time, and one Destiny Knot might just prove to be a part of that intricacy somehow and however it may be used.

Three years ago: I'm a "General"!

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