Sunday, July 3, 2022

Taking on the Unite Challenge

Another recent novelty of Pokémon Unite, besides the newly instituted Unite Club Membership and the Catch 'Em battle arena, is a special mode of battling that is as rewarding as it is strenuous, with rewards that may be of interest to anyone who can complete all the battles that are required. That mode is called the Unite Challenge, and it's a real challenge indeed, even for the most experienced of battlers.

This mode involves Quick matches, with the objective being to win five times in a row in order to be able to obtain a selection of five rewards. As expected, winning is what counts here, and a loss counts as nothing; if anything, it forces one to reset the challenge and attempt it again. Once the five battles are complete, one can try the challenge again for posterity after having won, or else to succeed. The featured battle arena has also changed; last week, it was Mer Stadium, while this week, Catch 'Em takes the focus.

What becomes strenuous, of course, is the five-in-a-row requirement. That is tough for the average battler, and at the least an uphill climb for the more experienced ones. With the way Quick matches are today, however, it may also be possible for one to get lucky and get the requisite five wins with just a little more effort. So, at present, the challenge is very much dependent on skill as it is to a certain level of luck, which may or may not be a good thing.

Personally, I did perhaps get the "lucky" result last week, which is fine. However, I have to mention that I dreamt of an unusual situation at that time, to my surprise and that of others. It would seem very strange and out of my mind to obtain the rewards in that state. Right now, I'm two wins into the current Unite Challenge, and I have just a few hours to deal with its completion, which may or may not be a guarantee. I may just need to open the game and deal with it as things go on.

It may be said that Pokémon Unite has a penchant for novelties, and this Unite Challenge seems to be very much the newest one. Its requirement of getting five wins consecutively is somewhat steep yet should remain doable by some of the best battlers, even if that may involve some chances. Of course, it is certain that after its completion, there is no chance that a battler who does so can't be called as capable.

Two years ago: More Pokémon Go "Goofs"
Three years ago: I Splurged, for Once
Five years ago: Spicy Tamato

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