Saturday, July 2, 2022

Architect(ural) Futures (Features)

I did mention last month that Silph Arena would be starting its regional invitational tournaments this month for the postseason, and it has. Yet, I didn't say that it can't implement something special for the occasion. And that something special is another themed cup as the format for it, one that really shapes contenders for the postseason (or rather, continues to shape, in light of last month's). It's called "Architect", and it evidently has such a shaping quality for those who play it, as a "feature" into the "future". 

As is usual, the format demands Great League teams of six Pokémon with no Mega Evolution. This time, however, the species restrictions are very different. The six Pokémon must all be of species that come from a very short "approval list", totaling 40 Pokémon species in all, which can be seen on the page for the themed cup. That is much, much less than most other themed cups, which have approximately triple that number. Because of the relative paucity of Pokémon in this themed cup, Trainers must choose and choose wisely (quite so) the best Pokémon that they can muster and that will stand up to others that other Trainers choose.

Of the 40 species on the list, there are several standouts. Bewear is a strong contender with just the right moves; on its heels are the parent-and-child duo of Snorlax and Munchlax with a similar stature. Pelipper can be described in one word as "essential" due to its types and moves, along with its colleague Gyarados, though the latter has a different focus. Cradily, the fossil "outlier" from Fossil Cup, is back to test the mettle of species that can counter it, and Golbat brings the best power of the Poison type. A few of these species are even good contenders in the Shadow state, something that any Trainer needs to watch out for.

Like earlier themed cups all throughout this season, development notes are present and shed light on its conception process. This themed cup was intentionally created in reverse with focus on selecting the Pokémon, not the restrictions that determine them; the specific hallmarks are renown, dynamicity, neutrality, and accessibility. Extensive playtesting was commenced to determine roles and include or exclude other species, particularly those of specific types or behaviors. In the end, this themed cup is another approach to avoid sticking to circumstances that allow standby or essential species to dominate.

With this themed cup, those who deal with the postseason of Silph Arena have something to follow with to start. With just 40 species to deal with, the challenge becomes discerning the dynamics of the battles to commence, given which of the 40 one has at one's perusal. As the postseason develops, that will become even more crucial, especially at the higher-level stages. The current Silph Arena season has been winding down, but it is certain that with this themed cup and the postseason remainder, some Trainers still have some "gearing up" to do.

One year ago: The Element Cup of GBL
Four years ago: Let's Go Trade

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