Thursday, July 14, 2022

Forest Bathing with Pokémon

Healing methods are just as varied as people are, even their Pokémon (if they could have one) and all their preferences. I've discussed one particular one over a year ago, and it seems that it's ripe for another one. That method, as can be predicted by the title of this post, is called "forest bathing". By its name, it sounds like an inherently natural healing method, and it is. Furthermore, I have become interested in discussing it with addition of the Pokémon element.

As explained to me, the method is not literally taking a bath in the forest, but taking in all the sights, sounds, and smells of the forest. In effect, it's as if one's senses are being "bathed" with the sensory experience of the forest. There are other considerations of particular interest for this method, such as areas of decreased pollution, a relatively flat landscape, and lots of stimulating plants, but by and large, it's quite clear that the method is all about natural immersion.

Uniquely enough, this method started out in, and is in the interest of, Japan and neighboring countries; the former is of course where Pokémon hails from, so with that, the Pokémon context seems to be appropriate to be applied next in line. Beyond all its associations with battles and competitions, Pokémon - in particular the species that bear the name - still represents something natural in their world, and they would totally be appropriate for the method.

I can already think of some Pokémon that would fit into the healing method. While it has its concerns, Vileplume is one that fits the occasion, especially if it can remain tame. Since the healing method involves being around trees, the method can involve tree-hugging... or maybe even Sudowoodo hugging, though it's not a real tree per se. Depending on the setting for the method, many other Pokémon species can be involved as well.

Personally, I may currently be in a slight need for the method, and it may be doable to some extent where I am. I can reach some environments that are like forests and spend time in them, but the "forest bathing" effect might be minor. I may have to go out of my way and bring myself to somewhere that resembles a real forest for a major "forest bathing" effect. And while Pokémon Go might be less fitting for this method, bringing a Pokémon plush might add the spirit.

"Forest bathing" as a healing method has a certain intrigue about it, despite the fact that it's not a "bath" in the literal sense. It's more like immersing oneself and one's senses in the energy that nature can provide. Since I'm immersed in Pokémon as well, I feel that there's no harm that the two can't immerse themselves in each other, and healing can be achieved in both a realist style and a Pokémon style for those who enjoy.

Two years ago: Miss You, Brandon
Three years ago: Cosplay: COSTHNIFEST
Four years ago: Spending on Pokémon
Five years ago: A Pokémon Forum Persona

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