Sunday, July 24, 2022

Cosplay: SUCOFEST 2022 - Multiverse

Goh: Like you said, huh? Every chance you get to send Ash.

Me: Yes, and this is an exceptional one. I thought about not sending Ash for this one, especially since it's far away, but since the competitions are open, we have to get right on it.

Ash: Hey, I know this one! You sent me to this one years ago before things got worse.

Me: Indeed I did. But now it's the main thing I send you for instead of just being an extra agenda. And this time we're in for the full-fledged event.

Ash: That's nice.

Pikachu: Pi pika. ["Should be."]

Me: OK, so it's the same event in the same place, though this time I've added the theme of the event. "Community Fest" is also actually the proper name of the event, representing the "CO" and "FES" part. The "SU" part...

Goh: Do we really need to tell everyone about that?

Me: No, not really, but they can figure out that part on their own if they choose to do so.

Goh: Yeah, I see what you're saying.

Ash: So what am I in for today?

Me: You're in for the character parade and the singing competition. For the latter, I'm having you sing... "Chiisaki Mono".

Ash: Oh! You haven't had me sing that in years!

Me: Exactly. There's an opportunity for us to put that in, so we've got to put that in.

Ash: I guess you want my Hoenn outfit then, just like for the last one you sent me to.

Me: You're on the money. And we'll let the character parade allow what it allows for you.

Goh: So, how far is the place actually?

Me: Oh, right. This is the first time you're hearing from Ash about a faraway event. It's actually quite far. The simplest way to get there still takes four hours, and then it's also that much time to get back.

Goh: Wow, that's pretty far. With the way things are, do you think it's OK?

Me: I'm sure it is. If it's not, I won't have this lined up for today.

Ash: It's not going to turn out like that one last year?

Pikachu: Pi? ["Hmm?"]

Me: There's the concern with things worsening, but hopefully not. Anyway, enough of that. How'd things go?

Ash: It was really like old times! The competitions were there, the people were there, and the entertainment was there. I even got you hooked up with your friends, even characters.

Me: That's the point of an event: it's supposed to bring people together. 

Goh: I'd love to have seen the entertainment. What was it like?

Ash: There was a band that played popular songs.

Goh: Well, I suppose I can enjoy good music every now and then.

Me: We all could use some of that. Now what about the competitions?

Ash: The singing one was great! There was just one... small... thing...

Me: Oh dear.

Ash: I have a recording thanks to your girl fan friend.

Me: Thanks. I'll take a look at it later. How was the character parade?

Ash: That one was great too! I was the first one up and led for everyone. Actually, I was also the first one up in the singing competition.

Me: OK, so anything that might happen, we can partly blame on this. OK, it's time for the results.

Ash: I didn't win for both.

Pikachu: Pi... pika. ["Well, rats."]

Goh: How many prizes were there?

Ash: Three for each.

Goh: The chance to win could have been decent, but...

Me: Maybe we'll never really know the reason. Overall, though, what did you think?

Ash: I'm happy to be back. I loved seeing the communities and people in them loved seeing me! I hope everything settles down so we can have this again next time.

Me: And hopefully closer to us as well. But we do have to keep track of recent happenings.

Goh: Maybe by then we can figure out how to win something.

Me: That too. But the most important thing for us is to enjoy whatever we do.

Ash, Goh: Yeah!

Pikachu: Pi! ["Yeah!"]

Me: At least before the enjoyment gets restrained.

Three years ago: Making Things Simple
Four years ago: The Greatest, Everyday
Five years ago: Pokémon School

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