Saturday, July 30, 2022

The State of Nominations, Part 17

I consider every change that takes place in my efforts of nominating PokéStops in Pokémon Go to be significant, even if they don't appear to be so. And in fact, my personal efforts haven't been too significant in the past two months in a way. However, there are still some changes to my nominations in different ways, both on and off the Wayfarer platform as the supporting platform for the nomination process. That is as good as anything to update on, and it's time to do that now.

On Wayfarer, the changes have been mostly incremental but meaningful. One nomination left the In Queue status and two left the In Voting status, becoming decided in the process. Of these, one became accepted and two were not. However, I also decided to appeal one of the nominations that was not accepted, becoming the first one for which I've taken up the option. Overall, this means 17 nominations In Queue, 15 nominations In Voting, 67 nominations Accepted, 61 nominations Not Accepted, and 1 nomination Appealed. Duplicate nominations are still the same as last time.

Making an appeal for a nomination that was not accepted becomes an interesting choice to make. If one feels that the results of the community voting were made in error and the nomination conforms to the guidelines, the nomination can be appealed once to have Niantic have its say on it. Viewing the nomination in the Contributions page, choosing "Appeal", and entering a reason as descriptively as possible is all it takes; the nomination also has to be recently rejected, else it has to be renominated. Some of my fellow raid group members have used the feature successfully and overturned a rejection, so it's worth a try as long as it's valid.

As for the nominations by my numbers and notes, I have 31 nominations with 2 renominations (each down by 1), 67 approved nominations (still in line with the above), 30 rejected nominations (the same as last time), and 16 superseded nominations (up by 2). The last one is of interest, as two nominations I've made in the past for the same place have been rejected, but at least someone figured out how to get their nomination for the same place accepted. As such, I do not consider the nominations rejected, but superseded. This also becomes a finer point of how my numbers and notes are different from what is tracked by Wayfarer.

Speaking of tracking, there are only a few places that I've noted as having potential for new PokéStops that haven't been fulfilled, and I still desire to get to them when I'm able to get to them. What makes things hard is that some places are becoming saturated with PokéStops and objects, and I may have to wiggle my way in to make nominations. I'm also not able to explore as freely as before due to various reasons, and that becomes a further hindrance to the scouting process for nominations. Yet I'm still assured that I can get in some efforts in this in due time, whenever that may be.

The way that Wayfarer presents nominations for me has been a significant change, as some details that hadn't been evident before now are, and I can utilize the rest of its toolkit to help with my nomination process. Even so, I still maintain my own notes to keep track of things my way, and of course to present everything in these rollups, presently being bimonthly. All of these need to continue to monitor for any significant change that might take place and help keep my nominations in line.

Four years ago: Leaving a Lasting Legacy
Five years ago: Cosplay: ACOLYTES 2017

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