Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Good Pokémon Cosplay Relationships

It's been a long time since I've discussed something about (Pokémon) cosplay that doesn't involve an event or an occasion for it - or in character terms, send Ash, as the character I cosplay frequently. I have a renown for it myself, but I also have to say that at least some of it is (made through) a concerted effort with other people, and that's just as important as my own efforts. In fact, it becomes important to maintain good relationships with them, especially with all the roles that they play.

Some of them are "suppliers" of the things that I need for my cosplay, which would be the costumes themselves (by a friendly tailor) and any props that I need and have neither the skills nor the space or time to make (by whoever does so, who are often cosplayers themselves). A few Pokémon extras are even obtainable by fellow fans or those with special interests - in particular, for those extras. That's a varied lot for a group of people whose roles are essentially the same, and I need to be on good terms with all of them to assist in "supplying".

Less of a varied lot are the hairstylists, those who deal with the chosen approach for hair with cosplay. This applies even for my choice of using my own hair, for which I have my hairstylist to help with that. Even for the other two approaches, which have their own demands especially when Pokémon cosplay is considered, there are hairstylists who can assist with them. It becomes evident that good relationships are a must for any of these people, or else the matter of hair becomes a tangled one without their support.

Because my particular Pokémon cosplay involves human fashion, to help keep them in line, I utilize laundry services. I have a new one since that post, but recently the relationship has become slightly strained due to performance; that's not good, since that can erode trust in my usage of the services, moreover in keeping the clothing for my costumes safe. What is good is knowing that my costumes are taken care of and ready for whenever I wear them, and a good laundry should do that - not just for costumes but all laundry items in general.

Perhaps the most important good relationships are with cosplay friends. In one sense, that would be fellow cosplayers, ones who I love to be with and love to be with me; they can even become involved in Pokémon cosplay projects like this if we hit it off well enough. In another sense, that would be fans of my cosplay, who expect me to turn up at events or conventions (not too much right now) so we can have a good time together. Good relationships would be a testament to maintaining all of these, for when things get into full swing again.

While Pokémon cosplay is not unique to me, it is a uniquely good thing for me. Many good things, though, are meant to be shared, and that is apparently true for my Pokémon cosplay as well, considering all the people above who are linked to me or I have links with. That would mean maintaining good relationships with them, making sure that it happens continuously. I trust that by doing so, I can still present all the good things about Pokémon through cosplay and connect with many people through it.

Three years ago: I'm a... Bounty Hunter?
Four years ago: Losing and Finding Links

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