Friday, July 22, 2022

Pokémon Unite One-Year Anniversary

This post covers a topic that should have been covered yesterday, but no matter. It can be covered just as well today. July 21 (that is, yesterday) marks the start of an epoch - that is, the Pokémon Unite epoch, as it was released yesterday on the Nintendo Switch (while its mobile version was released two months later). Accordingly, yesterday was its first anniversary, which applies well for both versions regardless of time difference. At this point, it's even more of a fledgling game than other Pokémon games. But for a fledgling game, it has made significant inroads for the franchise.

For starters, its concept is old but its execution is new. It's a MOBA (multiplayer online battle arena), and there have been many games of this genre before Unite came along. Unite is truly a breakthrough in that sense, as it finally marries the concept with the amazing world of Pokémon, allowing the franchise to have a game it can call its own in this genre. Those who have played other games of the genre might be quick to dismiss it as not having features that the others have, but it doesn't have to; Pokémon is unique, and so Unite can remain as such even with further developments. And after a year, there's been quite a bit of that.

Among the most important of those developments is that it has its own world championship series in just its first year, a feat that other (Pokémon) games have a hard time matching. A good and portable MOBA is one that is ripe for its own kind of competition, and Unite has demonstrated that it can have just that. And since the competitions for other MOBA are within the realm of eSports, it lends credence that Pokémon can fit into this framework, as if it hasn't already had. At the least, it might bring exposure to the rest of the franchise.

Like other Pokémon games, in particular mobile ones, an anniversary like this is best celebrated with an event, and it has one for that very purpose. Its specifics are far too many to fit into this post (and I've barely scratched the surface of it at present), so it will have to wait for its own dedicated post. What is certain is that involves new features, a new battle arena, and certainly lots of rewards from past and present to go around. It's time for old and new players to jump in and reap the rewards.

Pokémon Unite is now one year old, and while that may hardly be considered "mature", the way that it exposes the already-mature Pokémon franchise to novelties is something significant. A new-but-old genre and a brand-new world of competitions are only at the heart of these developments, and Trainers will be able to reap the rewards from these and more as the game continues its progression toward true maturity.

It's a great game for one year and beyond. Happy first anniversary to Pokémon Unite.

Five years ago: Cosplay in a Bag

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