Monday, July 18, 2022

Pokémon Go Community Day Repeat, 7/16/2022

Me: Ash, you mentioned yesterday that before I sent you to the theme event on Saturday, you did something else, and that would be this, something else I had you do.

Goh: What's the deal with this one?

Me: Sometimes, there are problems with an edition of the event from yesterday. Trainers can't  be present to catch the Pokémon that show up, or the Pokémon themselves don't show up, which can happen when there are technical issues. If that happens, then the event can be repeated as one was four years ago, which was the case for the last month.

Ash: But didn't last month go well?

Pikachu: Pika? ["Did it not?"]

Me: Actually, no, at least in part. A good number of people in certain places couldn't get to catch the Pokémon early on, and it took quite a bit of time before they could. Even I had some problems when I wanted to trade with someone before the event, so I was affected too. Some days later, the problem was confirmed, so we had a repeat of that edition last Saturday for the problem places.

Ash: I understand. I'm always happy to be doing it.

Me: That's great. OK, so I don't have to tell you that most of the perks were the same when you did things then.

Ash: I didn't do things with Rhi, though.

Me: That's because I already did them last time. Also, I'm told that the stickers were of yesterday's edition because it was coming up, the Zweilous raids weren't present, and the move window was just until 4 PM. Otherwise, it should still have been all about the Deino, with all the other perks.

Goh: Deino, the Irate Pokémon. Its two evolved forms also have their quirks.

Me: Indeed, this is one odd and angry species family. OK, Ash, so what happened on Saturday?

Ash: I went to the other place you used to have the event often, and I met a few of your friends. We walked together and caught a whole bunch of Deino. I saw that you already evolved what you needed last time, so I evolved just one more for you and kept all the Candy. You might be interested in a few more Shiny Deino.

Me: That works out, and I didn't need much more. In fact, that one you evolved made up for the one from the Special Research with Rhi; that one wasn't too good.

Ash: Glad I could help! At the end I just went to the other event like you asked.

Me: Very good. You should have had enough time to get ready for the other event.

Ash: Yeah! That worked out. Everything else happened just like we talked.

Goh: I suppose you could think about the event being similar to a sudden species breakout somewhere in the Pokémon world.

Me: You have a point, Goh. Between the deliberateness and suddenness of it all, it's hard not to think of it that way.

Ash: Maybe the next time there's a breakout like this, we can catch a few of the Pokémon.

Goh: Why not? The future is always in the palm of my hand!

Pikachu: Pi, pika chu! ["Excellent!"]

Me: Very great idea. Also, I want to say that we've had three days of discussions, which is the longest that we've done - now with the four of us - at any point in time. I hope you don't mind if we need to do this again.

Ash, Goh: Anytime!

Me: I like the sound of that. Until the next time things happen.

Three years ago: The State of Nominations
Four years ago: The Eevee Identity
Five years ago: Only One Save File

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