Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Possible New Research Tasks?

Research has come a long way in Pokémon Go since its debut over four years ago, and there has always been something new with each development, including in the kinds of tasks that it demands Trainers to complete. Even with all the tasks that have been realized, it seems that there might still be room for a few more task possibilities, of which some are plainly interesting and others are dictated by necessity. I've decided to flesh out my ideas and offer them as possibilities for that purpose.

Many Trainers might have certain items loitering in their item bag that they rarely use, and some Field Research tasks may help to goad them to use the items. For example, "Use a Great Ball/Ultra Ball to catch a Pokémon" ought to prompt them to use those balls (while the variant "Catch a Pokémon with a Great Ball/Ultra Ball" demands the successful capture). The same goes for what could be considered the Potions that are not used much (the basic purple one and the Super Potion), which could also demand a certain number of items for usage purposes. These new tasks might inspire ways of using the items and prompt Trainers to keep a stock in their item bags.

It has come to attention that the task of "Make a new friend" is having completion issues, which might prompt an investigation and a change in tasks. If the latter, I propose the task of "Become a Good/Great Friend with another Trainer", which should obviate the new friend problem. Else, the problem with the task might have to be resolved for the time being by a "Send a friend request" task, which would imply new friends after and not before. The completion issues really shouldn't happen, but with the issues, it might prompt these new task possibilities to be added.

An interesting idea would be additions of further "localized tasks" along the lines of "Catch 10 Pokémon in one day/two days" or "Earn 10000 Stardust from Go Battle League". This would compel Trainers to take action whenever and wherever they are required, which would mean further play should that occur. Granted, this might be somewhat demanding, but then many Trainers are enterprising and should be able to find the ways and time for the completion of these tasks.

What has been evident since the addition of the Research feature is that the tasks are infinitely adaptable and present satisfying ways to attain rewards. With further unique additions like the above - and necessarily, unique rewards to go with them - the two qualities above would be affirmed, and Research itself has a chance to make further progressions, perhaps befitting the ones that Trainers are currently making.

Three years ago: Seeing the World with Go

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