Monday, July 25, 2022

NADWPKMN - The Video Series: Episode #4 - In Character Spirit

Me: While still on the topic of sending Ash, let's talk about this little thing.

Ash: Hey, you finally got that video finished up! Awesome!

Goh: Oh, now this is a sight. You two made a video together.

Me: Well, it's not actually "together" as in "we're in the same frame", but yeah, it's "together" as in "we're in the same video".

Goh: I get the point.

Me: So, this video (which as usual can be seen above) shows off something I'm involved with Pokémon when I'm not catching or battling with them by the various ways that they are made possible. And it truly has a "character spirit", because to do it, I really do need your help - at least mostly Ash's for the time being.

Goh: A lot really goes into this, huh.

Me: That's true. There's the ability to furnish what to wear, which is absolutely necessary, but then there's the necessity of being able to show your character power like for shooting a movie. Ash knows something - he's had experience with one such project.

Ash: Yeah! It was back in Unova. I had a great time, but it wasn't easy either. I can tell most of my friend's character friends have gone through the same thing. Performing's not easy either, and- aw, you showed that performance.

Me: You get the point really fast. And whether it's just walking or on stage, there's always something that can be shown off. Of course, there's that intense performance.

Goh: That's one rough start to a journey. I can't imagine what I would have done without a Pokémon. But that's how you and Pikachu became so close, right?

Ash: Right!

Pikachu: Pika! ["Right!"]

Me: And for that reason among other reasons, I'm close to you both, and Pokémon in general.

Goh: What's not to like? You clearly enjoy everything. If not, I wouldn't be here even if I'm not in the video.

Me: That's pretty much the gist. I'm friends with other characters and have sent them in the past, but I always feel distant from them even if I know them well. But I know that by sending Ash - maybe even other characters in the future - I know I feel right at home.

Goh: And this is your home. It's unlike my family home in a high-rise apartment.

Me: I've lived in apartments before, so I know how you feel - but I digress. The important thing is that as you say, Goh, I enjoy everything, and this is one of the ways I express that, with a character spirit.

Ash: I'm with you! You get to enjoy Pokémon, and I get to see your world. It's a real win-win!

Goh: I'll say!

Pikachu: Pi pika chu! ["Exactly!"]

Me: And I'd say Pokémon has a real character spirit with you all and more, just waiting for its biggest fans to express.

Three years ago: Pokémon for Print Projects

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