This is a story a few years (and a few months - more on this soon) delayed in the making, but it's worth telling about even now. If earlier posts are of any indication, the title means only one thing: I now have a Nintendo Switch - better late than never, as they say. And the version of the console that I opted for is a Nintendo Switch Lite, which as I've touched on three years ago, is the smaller and more portable version of the regular Nintendo Switch and might be of certain benefits to Pokémon fans like me. I can attest for this, but I'll let the story tell the tale now.
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Shown with the external controller. |
Now, this Nintendo Switch Lite came by way of a friend... which just happens to be the same friend from whom I had begotten my 3DS XL Pikachu Limited Edition (see first link above). The story is pretty much almost the same: he was looking to sell it off, and the first person he contacted was yours truly. In a way, he's also a bit of a console "purveyor" among my friends, so that worked out. After considering many things - which are part of the "concessions" I've made and will be detailed shortly - I chose to take up my friend's offer, including an external mini controller that he also offered and I thought would be useful. All this happened three months ago, but I chose to be tight-lipped about it, even as I dealt with the episode on my YouTube channel for which this is pertinent, preferring to discuss it when the time is right, and that time is now.
As for those concessions, there are perhaps but a few. I had been (toying with) thinking about buying the regular Nintendo Switch so I could take advantage of all that it offers, but thinking about it twice made me realize how cumbersome it would be for me personally. I would be tending to keep it just either in handheld mode or docked, and feel constrained to make the "switch" between the two. The size of the regular console in the former mode has some heft to it, something that poses a problem for my clumsy tendency; it also takes up space, something that I've realized has become a premium where I am. Finally, there is of course the price, regardless of whether it's new or used. By buying the Switch Lite, I've conceded docking for portability, regularity for convenience, expanse for space, and splurging for saving. And all of that I had considered in buying my friend's Switch Lite, which is now mine. Further, I also conceded the Sword and Shield Limited Edition, which I could have gotten from my friend if I had waited, but that would have meant further waiting, so in effect I also conceded the wait.
Yet, all is not lost (conceded). From what I've read, the Switch Lite is for most intents and purposes is still a Nintendo Switch, and many games and peripherals can still work with it, including external Joy-Con controllers as well as custom controllers like the one I also got from my friend. The few games that don't may not be of too great an importance, moreover since my focus is on Pokémon games more than anything else. The important thing is that it plays all the Pokémon games I can, want, and need to play, which at this point is something important to be gained rather than conceded while still being without a Switch. And that I've definitely gained over the past three months, which I will let unfold with further posts.
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Shown here with Unite active. |
For now, I can preview the games that I've got on tap. I have Let's Go, Pikachu!, which I have to admit I had bought close to two years ago, having also intended to buy a Nintendo Switch at that time shortly after but never materialized until now; this is actually hinted in a post. I have Unite as shown above, for which the progress I've carried over from my phone by having linked it to a Nintendo Account. Finally, I've also got Café Remix, which I've somewhat gotten addicted to. Certainly, there will be more, but those are for other posts beyond this tale of a new (or rather not-so-new) console.
I've had to make a few concessions for this "major breakthrough" in my gaming efforts, but it's clear that Pokémon is not something I'll concede. Therefore, a Nintendo Switch remains something personally pertinent, and now that I have one, I can make new strides and continued strides in Pokémon as it appears on this console. And it makes for a fine story to be told at the right time (now) on my Pokémon and blogging journey.
One year ago: Pikachu and Squirtle Donuts
Two years ago: On Growing Up with (and Out of) Pokémon
Three years ago: Shadow and Purified Pokémon in Pokémon Go
Four years ago: Type Logic
Five years ago: Fun at the Beach... or Water Park
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