Friday, August 12, 2022

Dream Pokémon Food from Café Remix

After four days of discussing the hard game stuff from Café Remix, it's time to discuss some of the lighter side of it. Since the game has a café theme to it, food (and drinks) would have to be involved somehow, and they are: the Menu Development feature involves the creation of dishes and drinks to be served to the Pokémon customers, and a few of these are a delight to think and dream about - and perhaps enjoy in real life. To that end, I've chosen four of the menu items for each menu item category that I might just enjoy if it were to exist.

Representing the Beverage category, Lilligant Floral Tea is the one that piques my interest the most. In the in-game image, it is served in a clear teapot with a flowery motif, which clearly indicates its flavor and aroma. I'd like to think that such a tea can be replicated with a mix of black tea and chrysanthemum flowers, due to its color being representative of brewed black tea, and the flowers being able to give that floral aroma. All told, it would seem like a good combination that I'll have to try.

Dugtrio Sandwich Trio is my representative pick for the Appetizer category. The sandwiches are unique as they are served vertically, and it seems they would feature whole-wheat bread for the bread. The filling could be of different things, so that might be whatever I desire, complete with the indicated vegetables of tomato and lettuce. It is also served with what seems to be either tomato soup or sauce of some kind, which is perfectly applicable and enjoyable for me as well. It's a good meal for a starter, but it could be for any occasion too.

For the Main Course, there is the Piquant Pikachu Curry. The Pikachu part is a yellow rice with edible decorations, which could be made from seaweed and vegetables. The curry part would be a run-of-the-mill Japanese-style curry, but it would have the star-shaped bits as indicated; those bits would be whatever one might desire for the vegetables and other things in the curry, which could take some creativity and depend on what one likes. It's a simple dish with the potential for complex nuances.

They say there is always room for Dessert, and the Ribombee Chocolate Cake fits my bill for this category. The cake appears as a multilayered cake with some chocolate decorations. This cake screams "opera cake", which is exactly what it looks like and can be gotten as such, so that would just leave the decorations to be made to make the cake what it is. And it may not take an adept hand to create the decorations, just the necessary ingredients (chocolate of various kinds). The right resources can realize this menu item with less effort.

It's already evident that Café Remix is very addictive, and the menu items that are served are as captivating as the gameplay. Moreover, it may not take that much effort to realize the menu items as real food and drinks, and one could serve oneself or a group of people the "heaping helpings" of the food that the Pokémon café is known for. It's also known for a lot more features besides food and fun, but that'll have to wait after this five-day run of discussions for this rich food-themed game.

Five years ago: Cosplay: DANOBU 4

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