Thursday, August 11, 2022

The Currencies and Shops of Café Remix

Another point that further relates Café Remix to Shuffle and practically other similar games, especially mobile ones, is the fact that these games have currencies (or even currency-like items) and thereby also shops for spending those currencies. In fact, Café Remix has quite a few of them, and I've decided to discuss them together for posterity, whereas in the past I've done so separately for other Pokémon games, to simplify the discussion and expedite it this time around.

The primary currency of this game is called Golden Acorns, which are mostly involved in the raising of Pokémon, paid to uncap their level limits along with Pokémon cookies, which may need to be discussed separately. They can also be paid to restore maximum Stamina (5 Shards for 900 Acorns), or in some cases piecemeal at 180 Acorns for each Shard; shuffling Pokémon customers (replacing or "passing up" the ones presented) in most cases or taking a second consecutive order for a customer also requires paying Acorns. This is also the currency that is gained by paying real money in the game's Shop, where item packs are also sold, some of which are at a premium (including the so-called Premium Pass). For the most part, however, the most important purchase will be for the Golden Acorns with their ubiquitous utility.

One step detached from Golden Acorns, by currency and shop, are Milestone Cookies, which are cookies that are earned in excess of specific Pokémon cookies or even just earned as such from certain events in certain ways. These can be exchanged for a selection of items in the "Exchange cookies" part of the Shop in a swap-out manner with bulk exchanges possible, though for limited numbers of each item, for which the limits are reset from time to time. This manner of exchange also applies for the other currencies - or rather, currency-like items - below with their own specific shops.

In performing deliveries (also an important and separate point), one may obtain duplicate or excess items in similar ways to Pokémon Unite, and these extra items are not earned and instead are converted to what are called Delivery Points. The exchanges for these occur in the "Exchange points" part of the delivery feature. Those who have been playing longer will likely have some of these points and/or have exchanged them for the items.

Lastly, some specific events with Legendary Pokémon (of which one is occurring right now and is technically a repeat) allows the earning of Legendary Coins, a currency-like item for this specific purpose. It is exchanged in a "Swap Shop" for the particular event that is likewise accessed accordingly through an "Exchange" feature. The earning of these items are limited to the event period, but the shop is available for exchanges for a sufficiently longer period than the event's own, allowing accumulation during the event and exchanging afterwards.

Café Remix has quite a few currencies with shops to go along with them, but on the whole, the utility value is also increased, even though it may look complex with the things that are going on in each one and for each currency. It is regardless necessary to take advantage of each currency and each shop when the opportunities present themselves, to be able to serve Pokémon as best as possible through each order, enhanced by these currencies and shops.

Five years ago: Cosplay Scrapbooking

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