Monday, August 29, 2022

Pokémon Go Event Rollup, 8/29/2022

The events in Pokémon Go last month had a bit of a unique structure to them, and that can be said to continue to apply this month. Because this month is also the ultimate final month for the current Season of Go, it may be said that they also have an element of "grandiose closing" about them. They're grandiose because they have major elements about them, and they're closing because of the very reason above. And before the month (and season) closes, they have got to be rolled up as usual.

As the previous month had two of the three regional Go Fest editions, this month had to have the third and the last (the "grand close"), in the first weekend of the month. That edition would be the one in Sapporo, Japan, also acting as the Asia representative. Those who didn't go there could still contribute to the festivities by completing a Global Challenge for double Stardust from captures and a Collection Challenge featuring some Grass-type Pokémon, which echoes the "monkey trio" representative of the region, Pansage. Two sets of Ultra Unlocks were gained from this: one for Community Day with extra XP, Candy transfer, Special Trade, and trade discounts, as well as one for a decidedly buggy (but not that kind of "buggy") event.

That "buggy event" would be the (return of the) Bug Out event with its smattering of creepy-crawly Pokémon. Here, there wasn't a closing element, but the grandiose element manifested itself, as the edition featured the debuts of the Grubbin family, Shiny Venipede, Mega Scizor, and Genesect holding the Chill Drive. To help with those, really successful captures rewarded double XP, also augmented with the Ultra Unlock of more Candy and Candy XL for captures, plus a special Unown and Pansage feature as well as a Timed Research set to augment the experience. A Collection Challenge, bonus appearances for completing on-site raids, and photo bomb encounters served to highlight the Bug Pokémon aspect further, who are present in the wild, raids, and Field Research rewards. It then could be said that the event "ironed out all the bugs" from the next event to make that one more grand.

And that event would be the World Championships event from August 18 to 25 to honor the first time that Pokémon Go is included in the festivities. Clothing items were one of the draws of this: new Galar outfits plus a commemorative shirt for everyone, a special shirt for those on location, and the World Champion outfit (and pose) for the winner. The last of these was also featured as a costumed Pikachu special for this event. Another draw is the battling aspect, which is served through increased GBL sets on all days in lieu of a single Go Battle Day plus triple Stardust bonuses from that, as well as on-the-field Trainers (called Challengers) based on regional winners and their teams. Pokémon in the wild, raids, and Field Research task rewards highlighted those that are common for the Great League, and a Timed Research set got things going. Select Pokémon could also be obtained with their exclusive moves from past Community Day events, making things that much more exciting to close up the series.

As for the truly final event of this month and thereby this season, that has already been explained to a great length in its own write-up, but a few concluding remarks can still be made about it. The appearances of the Ultra Beasts were teased in analog horror style with a few "found footage" videos on all the official social media outlets for Pokémon Go, which has drawn a number of (grand) reactions. After the event concluded, then it was time to preview the next season before the conclusion of the current one, and it really will involve something that "closes up" what the Ultra Beasts have wrought.

This season in Pokémon Go has been a whirlwind and tour of events, and they all have to make their grand closing statements this month. Fortunately, with all of the events above, they appear to have done just that. And why not - it's only fitting that they do so, especially given their circumstances. At this point, now it's just a matter of waiting for this season to close so that more grand statements can be made in the next.

Three years ago: Adventurous Families
Four years ago: Media Master
Five years ago: Catching Up

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