Tuesday, August 23, 2022

The Dream Archivist/Historian

Of all the jobs that any Pokémon fan can have, the dream job for such a fan is to work for Pokémon itself, which is something I've addressed over five months ago as I tried my luck for a tangential one. Even so, a few months ago, an intriguing Pokémon job opportunity had surfaced. The position is officially dubbed as "Pokémon Historian" and by several reports had been billed as a dream job for Pokémon fans, an example being me. However, as with many things, there is more to this than meets the eye.

According to the job description, which regards the job as an archivist, the person who possesses the position is given several very important tasks to perform. Among others, the person is to deal with massive inventories, policy creation, catalog affairs, and asset preservation. All of this is for the management and development of the internal archive for Pokémon, which would obviously be related to the games to a major extent. In fact, the archivist would also need to work with the managers for the game data for this purpose.

Though the tasks mentioned in the description above are and should be doable for the person who applies for and is hired into the position, there is something else important to know. All of the workings for the tasks entail advanced IT knowledge for them to be achieved, as I've discovered when I looked into it. This knowledge is not something that everyone possesses, and moreover, it's a crucial "piece of the puzzle" that is often overlooked by those reports that state it as the dream job that it is and should be, at least for those who can do it.

If anything, this affirms my views in my previous post above in that most likely, an occupational position directly related to Pokémon will have relationships to technological knowledge in some manner. More to the point, it is also particularly oriented to the games, which I've stated before in speaking (literally) that things will always be the case. If I possessed such knowledge, I would have applied for this job in a heartbeat, but that's not the case, though I'm sure this would be the case for others, which it appears to be.

By now, the job is now in the hands of a fortunate applicant - reportedly, after a tight selection - and I can only wish that applicant the very best (ahem) in performing the tasks that come with the position. Yet it remains that any position in similar capacity to this and moreover directly related to Pokémon itself is something to behold for its legions of fans; there may just be a few among them who possess the expertise for such a position. In that case, that would indeed be the job of their (Pokémon) dreams.

Three years ago: It's Gonna Be...
Four years ago: A Mascot Reinterpretation

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