Sunday, August 21, 2022

Cosplay: 77th Independence Celebration

Me: Well, this is an event, but I also want to approach it in another way - you could say it has a "Let's Talk" perspective. So, what do you think of when you think of "independence"?

Ash: Let's see - I want to win battles with the Pokémon I have and who I'm friends with. And they can just be themselves. That's independence, I think.

Goh: I want to have freedom to go where I need to go to find rare Pokémon, and then catch and befriend them when they want to. Now that's independence.

Pikachu: Pika chu, pi pika chu. ["Sounds like I'd go for those too."]

Me: Good answers; I wouldn't disagree with those. And that leads to this event. So, my local area has been on an independence mood lately, and one part of my town has decided to have some celebrations today.

Goh: And they've decided to invite characters as well.

Me: That's what happened with a character parade, and that of course means Ash for me.

Ash: I'll have my Unova outfit!

Me: OK, why not. That's convenient. Now, what do you think about street festivals?

Ash: I like them. That one time during the Jirachi event was nice.

Goh: The concept is nice, so I'm fine with that.

Me: I agree. The reason I mention street festivals is because this event takes place as one.

Goh: That's neat. But I see it takes place near the middle of the town - won't it clog up the street?

Me: It might, or it might not. That's for Ash to tell after this.

Ash: I don't know about the others, but I'll do my best not to block people's way.

Me: That's always good to do. OK, enough small talk for now - how did things go?

Ash: I got there early and I thought they'd be setting up, but there was nobody.

Goh: Are you sure you got the right time for Ash?

Me: I'm positive! I even was informed of the schedule. The organizers might be the ones delayed.

Ash: I guess they were. They finally got set up after an hour or so. 

Me: See, it's not our fault.

Ash: Once they did that, though, they really got going!

Pikachu: Pika chu! ["Really going!"]

Ash: Everyone did block off a bit of the street, though, so... yeah. I guess it was going to happen somehow. But I didn't try to make it worse.

Goh: Let me take a look at the schedule. So... I wonder what that first one is.

Me: OK, so the first one is a kind of dance. Think of it as "Rayquaza and Pyroar dancing". The others, well, the second is just a fashion show for kids and the third is a parade with all kinds of things.

Ash: I saw all of that! They looked nice even if I wasn't part of it. I guess it's their way of celebrating. The character parade that had me and the other characters waited for the other one to finish and come back so people could have something to see.

Goh: Did it seem like you were waiting for forever?

Ash: A little, but it was worth it. If not, they would have missed it and we would have missed it. It was a lot of fun for me and everyone! I got on stage and did as much as I could with Pikachu.

Me: That's great. How were the results?

Ash: Hey, would you believe it? We got Top 4!

Pikachu: Pika! [Nice!]

Goh: Awesome! You two really did it - and your friend really helped.

Me: And this is the first time in a long time that we came away with something, so this is excellent.

Goh: And I get to hear about it! How lucky is that?

Me: I'll say! So, after all this, perhaps you (and I) might have something to tack on to our meanings of "independence"?

Ash: I guess, if you can have fun no matter what, and everyone can do that too without getting in the way of each other, then that's independence.

Goh: I'm with Ash. If everyone can own up something for themselves in the best way without disturbing others too much, then you really do have independence.

Me: On that note, it is settled, then - it's about entitlement and responsibility. And that's something to celebrate not just now, but every time.

Pikachu: Pi pika. ["Always."]

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