Monday, August 15, 2022

Pokémon Go Community Day Goodies, Round 4

Every once in a while, Trainers in Pokémon Go get into a slump. It may be in the form of Pokémon that are not close to perfect, not being able to get desired (Shiny) forms, or even less-than-stellar results in Go Battle League. In the same way, it may be understandable if the same slump occurred for, say, obtaining the merchandise from a meetup for Pokémon Go Community Day. And yet, that seems to be exactly what happened for the one that took place on Saturday, with the few pieces of merchandise I did obtain.

Coincidentally, they're also all repeats. The poster is a repeat, though the content is different, which this time is appropriately for Galarian Zigzagoon. Compared to last time, the Pokémon Go logo returns on top of the phone silhouette, but this time the appropriate disclaimers are absent. Due to the rain, I also couldn't keep the poster entirely away from the rain, at least not without compromising its structural integrity in a different way. Either way, it was going to happen, and I could only strive to minimize it - a "slump" in a sense.

The other two items, the postcard with the bonus item code and the Niantic sticker, are still exactly the same as the previous edition, except of course for the fact that the code is different and that I don't need to show it, whether or not I have claimed it. The Niantic sticker was also in excess, so I could stand to earn another one. On the other hand, Niantic pins and the phone holder were still available, but I opted out of them so that others who didn't get them can have the opportunity to do so, so it won't be their "slump".

On the other hand, there were a few other merchandise items that are completely new (or I haven't gotten), and it seems no one else got them either unless they were specifically designated to them by a certain prior circumstance - it was vaguely mentioned when others asked about them. This could probably be described as a "slump" as well, for without these, there aren't (or haven't been) really new sets of merchandise for those who are interested in them - like me - just as much as in gathering up for them for Community Day.

With or without Community Day merchandise, the event is still a relative success if one managed to get out there and even participate in an officially supported gathering. Any "slump" that might occur would be par for the course, including in merchandise if there were any, and as above. Still, Pokémon Go goes on, and so does Community Day and its official gatherings, and it's up to everyone to make that a success, hopefully while going over the periods of slump and getting something really achieved.

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