Sunday, September 4, 2022

The Food Element Categories of Café Remix

Whereas Pokémon Shuffle is a battle combat-based puzzle game against other Pokémon and uses the traditional 18 types to identify each Pokémon, the "combat" in Café Remix is the cooking or assembly of certain foods. For this purpose, Pokémon are instead classified into and by menu element categories, as I've exposed in my selection of dream food items from the game. This becomes the primary determinant for the selection of their capabilities for specific stages, and therefore they are of certain importance for explanation.

The four menu element categories are Beverage, Appetizer, Main Course, and Dessert, as exposed above. They represent four "courses" that are common in many restaurants and certainly cafés as the inspiration for this game. Examples of Pokémon in each category are Rowlet, Squirtle, Wobbuffet, and Lucario respectively. There are also some Pokémon that don't fit into any one of them... or rather, they fit into all of them; male Eevee and Mew in their common state are the ones for whom this applies. The element categories also have adjectival flavor identifiers, which are Refreshing, Crispy, Hearty, and Sweet, in that order.

Additionally, some Pokémon may change categories if they possess specific outfits. Kirlia, which is commonly of the Beverage category, will change to Main Course with the Retro Diner outfit and Appetizer with the Grand Gown outfit, the latter of which happens to be currently available in an event. This highlights the importance of obtaining outfits and may deserve its own discussion at some other point in time. It also highlights the versatility that some Pokémon may have in being put into play in certain stages.

Each of the element categories also have a certain day on which Pokémon that are trained that day will receive a "Daily Bonus" of experience points, with one day each week (or some or all days of certain events) where the bonus applies to all Pokémon. That one day is Monday-Tuesday depending on location, while the rest of the days are variable. All this becomes evident when one goes into the Pokémon section to train Pokémon.

Like the traditional 18 types, the four menu element categories in Café Remix are identifiers that indicate what's special about the Pokémon and what they can do in the process of creating food to be served. There is also a certain versatility about them too in some cases, further affirming the extent of those two matters above. One of the keys to success in Café Remix is then definitely to understand how they work and then take advantage of them to make the cooking "combat" and serve food that Pokémon will surely love.

Two years ago: Worlds Within Worlds
Four years ago: AFA ID in Memoriam
Five years ago: Cold as the Winds

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