Friday, September 16, 2022

New Pokémon Fossil Watches

Pokémon Center seems to have a thing for Fossil watches. Their earlier Poké Ball Classics merchandise line featured a watch with a background Poké Ball motif, in line with the rest of the items in the line. Now, they've furthered the collaboration with a few new designs for the watches that go beyond the basic Poké Ball design - this time, including a few well-known Pokémon. These watches are of some interest to me, so I've decided to highlight them in this post.

The newly featured Pokémon for this set of watches are the starters from the Kanto region, including the pseudo-starter Pikachu. For the three common starters, each of them are given their own individual edition, as well as an all-in-one edition with Pikachu as what I would call the "icons" edition, which is also available in monochrome and multicolor editions. Finally, there is one more edition featuring Gengar, billed as the "spooky" edition just in time for Halloween, which is to come in one and a half months. 

All of these editions also come with two extra armbands that complement the watch decoration and acts as a spare or alternative for the regular metallic armband. They are also packaged in a box that looks exactly like a Poké Ball, befitting their suggestion of "capturing" them. Finally, it has to be said that these are limited edition pieces... which by now are practically sold out with little hope of obtaining them; one telltale sign for this is that the box contains a plate with the words "Limited Edition" and the assigned number. Needless to say, it is also expensive, as it is a watch after all.

Some fans have noted, likely in jest, that there has been the missed opportunity for Pokémon to include fossil Pokémon on the watches, as these are after all of the Fossil brand in collaboration with Pokémon. While I also admire the connection being established, it is a relatively niche connection even if it is quite appropriate. The ones that are being offered at the moment already look pretty nice, including the alternative armbands, and the set is totally worth it for that.

I also can pick out favorites from the ones being offered, which would represent the ones I'd love to have if I could. My first favorite would be the multicolor "icons" edition, since I like the all-encompassing (all-inclusive) nature of it with the starter Pokémon from Kanto. The special Halloween edition featuring Gengar is also extremely nice and could be a favorite of mine as well as a friend of mine, who happens to be a Gengar fan in some respects as well. In either case, I would swap the metal armbands for the decorative ones since I like their looks and the warmer impressions that they give.

Watches still may not be the first thing that Pokémon fans think of when they think of Pokémon merchandise, but these new watches - and even the prior Poké Ball one - really fit the bill. The current new expansions of the watch series look quite awesome, and the most enterprising fans who can get their hands on them may just really deserve them as they deserve something to keep time with. And that should suit their thing for both Pokémon and watches.

Four years ago: An End to Jumps

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