Friday, September 30, 2022

The State of Nominations, Part 18

After two months, I'm back again to reporting on the state of my PokéStop nominations for Pokémon Go, in particular as assisted by Niantic Wayfarer. This time, the view that I want to take is that of "new strides"; it means not only going to new places to make new nominations, but also new ways to make the effort of doing so. Sure, Wayfarer still takes care of the backend of doing things, but for the frontend of doing things, that's where the "new strides" can be inserted.

In any case, it's helpful to start out with the hard numbers. I've put in 8 new nominations in the system, increasing the number of nominations with the In Queue status to 21, an increase of 4. The other 4 left the In Queue status to become In Voting (which increased by 1 to 16) and Accepted (also increased by 1 to 68), while the other 2 became Not Accepted but not for very long, as they moved to become Appealed. The result is a net of 0 for the former status (still at 61), as well as for Duplicate (still at 11), which is as it should be if the nominations are well thought out.

One of the "new strides" is in making the appeal. In doing so, I also look at the supposed reasons for rejection, and if they don't make sense, then I make the appeal with as detailed reasons as possible. Now I have 3 of those nominations being Appealed, and they don't seem to be about to leave that status any time soon, but that will be for Niantic to decide as things continue to make progress. While I hope to not make appeals for sensible rejections, for anything beyond that, I consider the attempt worthwhile.

By my own counts, I have 37 active nominations plus 3 renominations, an increase of 7 and 1; these also include the Appealed nominations as above, which I consider to remain unresolved. The 68 approvals are a given as above, while the 29 rejections decreased by 1 because one of them became renominated. Superseded nominations remain at 16 and unchanged. It's clear that the "new strides" with Wayfarer are also starting to affect how I review my own status in comparison to what Wayfarer gives me.

For future nominations, the prospect will be to just continue to make them, but I may (have to) inquire for assistance from others, especially regarding areas that I don't have easy access to or just for planning nominations in general. The latter has been a given from early on, but it's worth it to remind myself to seek just that; the former may give me leverage to allow nominations to work out in more places, which is in effect a "new stride".

Two months have passed by, and I've been able to get out more - with certain reservations - and in doing so, I also have to be vigilant in seeking places that can and do need to be nominated, and that does make up "new strides". But then again, making further use of the Wayfarer toolkit, particularly the Appeal feature, also contributes to those "new strides". Regardless, the PokéStop nominations will continue to present them with wherever the turns of the process take me.

Three years ago: Standing Pikachu Keychain
Four years ago: The Merits of Sleep

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