Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Into the Deep Blue

The world of Pokémon is based on a planet whose history and appearance is not too far distant from that of the real-world earth. For the latter, it is also apparent that most of the planet is also covered in ocean, which would mean that the same depth profiles would apply as well, with the oceans being deep in many places - hence, the "deep blue". That aspect is something that I'd like to ponder and highlight in this post, in consideration of what it means for Pokémon relations and beyond.

In the depths of the oceans, life is made and supported. Many lifeforms in the manifestation of Pokémon species, from the smallest Magikarp to the largest Wailord, owe their existence to how the sea is like, being shallow in many parts but also deep in some parts. The respective parts provide the environment and the resources for them to persist and subsist as they would be expected to do, and the people can further take advantage of this fact to further their own existence and subsistence.

With that, lately in my area, there have been talks about taking advantage of and making the "blue economy" a vital part of the economy going forward. It is true; most of the area where I am is composed of water - the seas as connections to the world's oceans - and there's a lot to be gained from that. Though the seas appear to fragment people living on land, it can also connect them if they take advantage of that as such. The same would likely be true in a Pokémon sense as well.

Here, I'd also like to take the time to remind myself and others of the verbal expression "to the sea" that a particular public figure has used to promote oneself and the views of that person in TV and beyond. Unfortunately, I have to say that the person's TV program terminated a few months ago, but I'm sure that regardless of the state of the program, the person's view of things, including of the sea, is unchanging. And so it is that my perceptions are pretty much the same since that time.

Much can be spoken about the sea - the water and the things that are present in it - even in Pokémon terms. There's something to be gained from all of that for the furthering of life in any way. From the earlier ponderings up to today's, the takeaways are still much the same, even though it is apparent that a few things have changed. What doesn't change is how the sea represents a certain vital spirit, especially with its presence in the Pokémon world and how that is reflected in real life. 

One year ago: Dancing with Pokémon
Three years ago: The Appeal of the TCG
Four years ago: A Pokémon Watch
Five years ago: Three's Demise

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