Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Possible Future Unite Licenses? (Take Two)

It was only a year ago (give or take) that I discussed possibilities for future inclusions to the Unite License roster of Pokémon Unite, and a lot has happened since then, including the addition of many Pokémon through them in mold-breaking ways, some of which fulfilled ones that I had listed. If last year I organized the inclusions by type, this time I'd like to organize my conjectured inclusions by thematic groups instead and take it from there.

But first, it is necessary to mention the "graduates" of my previous conjectures. Since then, Dragonite and Tyranitar have become included as Unite Licenses, and they're an occasional sight on certain teams. They're of the All-Rounder role, so they may become essential for those teams. They're also sufficiently strong and unique in their capabilities, which makes them even less of a surprise regarding their presence. Granted, they're also quite well-known, so it was a matter of time before they made their way in. Some of the ones I'm about to list may be of the same repute.

Last time, I noted that there could be the issue of "duplicity" to consider, but now that has been resolved: there are now three of the evolved forms of Eevee in the roster (Espeon and Glaceon, accompanying Sylveon), and any or all may be included on a team. Therefore, it's not hard to expect that the others might be on their way in, though in that case, I would suggest that Jolteon and Umbreon be given a "right-of-way" of sorts. Now multiple Eevee is no longer a problem, but the next problem may be ensuring the entry of the rest of its evolutions.

Mythical Pokémon and Ultra Beasts have also been granted entry, thanks to Zeraora leading the pack and Mew holding up the guard for the former as well as Buzzwole for the latter. It might not be too hard of a stretch to expect something as essential to their existence as Kartana for the latter and Jirachi for the former, for which both have been demonstrated to be quite capable. They would be as tantalizing on the Pokémon Unite maps as they are in other kinds of battling.

What seems to be true is that once Pokémon are present as field Pokémon on the maps, their chance of becoming Unite Licenses dwindle. However, with the adding and changing of maps, some of them could still maintain relevance for an entry. A friend of mine desires Magnezone, and I'm in for that; I would conjecture Alakazam to remove Abra from "Auroma Park hell". Time will tell if these two really have what it takes to become play-capable.

Possibly, with luck, it might take another year (again, give or take) to see these Pokémon in actual Unite License form. Whether by types or themes, new Pokémon will bring more liveliness and excitement to the battles that take place on the maps. That has been evident with the Unite Licenses included thus far, including the realized conjectures as above. It's a "grand pantheon" that deserves to become grander, as does the combat.

Two years ago: Circus You Create

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