Thursday, October 20, 2022

Pokémon Species Fan Collectives

Pokémon has its legions of fans around the world. They will invariably like the eponymous creatures as much as its varied aspects, in the games and beyond. The same would be true of the people who exist within the world; there would be fans of species with different aspects. Furthermore, they can also align themselves as part of "collectives" of fans who like those particular species. It becomes fascinating to try to cover some of those collectives and the species that they like.

Those who watch the anime will likely have been exposed to a few of these fans. One of them likes Shiny Pokémon, which is not only expected but also quite natural as every species has a form, invariably. Two others like species with blue coloration, and they were also demonstrated as eccentric fans; though blue is a natural color for Pokémon species, the two fans almost appear to be "unnatural" with their passion. The latter was also demonstrated to belong to a collective, and while the former wasn't, it would be expected that a collective can also exist. It becomes apparent that people in the Pokémon world also have their own preferences.

Meanwhile, in the real world, Pokémon fans have similar and dissimilar preferences. Some fans, who might just be in my various Pokémon groups, also like Shiny Pokémon, which as above is also expected as it is natural, and represents similar preferences. But then, there are those who like different things; a few years ago, I noticed some of my Pokémon Go fellows aligned in what was called an "Aggron Fan Club" that as one might discern is focused on this Pokémon species. As of now, this collective is practically defunct, but its memory still remains, and it's a very interesting one.

Speaking of fan clubs, it can't be forgotten that those who play the first games will recognize the Pokémon Fan Club in Vermilion City, which may be described as a general collective of sorts. This is likewise natural and expected as with those who like Shiny Pokémon above, as people may just have a general interest regardless. To that end, some of my Pokémon groups and others that I'm not in may also be considered as "general collectives", almost acting like the Pokémon Fan Club. This may be considered an example of the similarity of human nature even across worlds.

And that may be just what it comes down to. It's in the nature of every person to love and appreciate, whether real things or imagined things. It's also in the nature of everyone to associate, to group up with others who share similar interests and views. Pokémon and the eponymous creatures becomes just one of those bases of appreciation and association, which might be the same or different from one person to another. That should bode well for everyone (like me) who is a Pokémon fan.

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