Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Pokémon Café Remix Personal Feature Wishlist

It's only been a few months since I've played (and gotten addicted to) Pokémon Café Remix, and I think it's a great game. The amount of progress that I've been able to make is astounding even with the features that are available. Even so, I would say that a few feature additions could be put in to make the game much better. With that, I've decided to make my own "feature wishlist" for it in line with other games for which I've made the same.

One important one for the current time regards the recent spate of One-Minute Cooking events. I desire that in those events, the "move link number" display, which shows the number of Pokémon linked in a move, be moved to a different place, preferably where it doesn't cover the play field. The reason is that as it is, the display often covers up something vital that needs to be cleared - in particular, "bubble" obstacles often make their way under the display, causing them to often be missed. Sometimes, I've had to take (and lose) valuable time to search for them, only to find it there; in addition, it could also be hard to reach, based on experience. Moving the display in this case ought to rectify all the problems.

The next matter covers the in-game Pokémon list. In it, some Pokémon are sometimes shown with an "attention sign", indicating that they have received new outfits and/or can gain new abilities through items called "kitchen notes". Yet, these are sometimes hard to find and go through in the list, even after filtering it. Therefore, I suggest that a new filter be added to the list feature to be able to show Pokémon with the attention sign. This should be very helpful for those who forget to check for their new outfits or additional skills by kitchen notes, even though some decision-making might still be required to remove the attention sign after resolving either.

Something that's clear is that Café Remix has been around for quite some time now, which means that many Pokémon have been introduced before that I and others who only (re)started playing recently haven't gotten. While it's rather spoilery, it may also be equally helpful to be able to see which ones have, in fact, made it in the form of a "dex list" so that the relevant events can be pursued in order to obtain them. For example, at this point I know I've missed Garchomp because someone on my team has Garchomp, but I don't know the extent of the others that I've missed. Sooner or later, it may have to be necessary anyway, and for that purpose, I want in regardless.

As with the other Pokémon games that I've made personal feature wishlists for, I feel that everything in the games have been great, at least for me personally, but there have been some rough edges. The features on the wishlist are considerations to be able to smoothen those rough edges, and with this being a food-themed game, to be able to prepare the best quality food and beverages for the current time and more Pokémon customers.

Two years ago: The Deprecation of HMs

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