Monday, October 3, 2022

Enjoyment at the Mercy of...

Earlier today, I saw something related to Pokémon that I cannot completely vouch for its verity (yet), and an attempt to do so would only threaten my enjoyment. As a result, I've attempted to ignore it, but the matter is starting to weigh heavily on my mind, even when I'm doing something with Pokémon but completely unrelated. It seems that by the matter, I've realized that for me and most likely other Pokémon fans, our enjoyment seems to be at the "mercy" of certain parties, which I would like to expound on in this post.

For some, a sticking point related to this matter is how the Pokédex in newer games have a limited subset of Pokémon, which is certainly the result of the brouhaha from a few years back. Most Trainers have since accepted this situation as self-evident, almost regarding it as a non-issue, but some may still regard it as a factor that decreases enjoyment even now. Regardless, it is apparent that there is an enjoyment that depends on those who create the games if things had to come to this matter, though the situation could be similar with other features of lesser repute in the same area.

Then there's the Pokémon anime (and to some extent the manga as it has the same qualities). For these, their determinant is whoever conceives them, and fans if any have very little to no input. Therefore, the enjoyment is also dependent on those parties with the hope of change being very little, though not zero. Fans will just have to take them as they are, however they're meant to be enjoyed, with what emotions they provoke. It has been true for past episodes or stories and will likely always remain true.

Speaking of fans, some of them could potentially depend on the enjoyment of other Pokémon fans for their own, though I would recommend against such a situation. I've never depended as such, and anyone shouldn't really. My enjoyment has always been mine in the face of the two enjoyment situations above, and there are always appropriate times for enjoyment, even as the situations above are evident.

I'm not sure if or when I'll be able to address the matter I mentioned in the beginning that's nagging at my Pokémon enjoyment, but given the above situations of enjoyment by the "mercy" of others, I believe that I shouldn't ponder on it too greatly. Eventually, I'll have to deal with it, especially in regard to my enjoyment, and only then will the full impact become evident. For now, it's back to business as usual to enjoy as much of Pokémon as I possibly can, certainly with what is right here and now.

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