Friday, October 21, 2022

Possible Participation in Pokémon Unite Tournaments?

I've been playing Pokémon Unite for a good long while now, and I've gotten to be good in some respects. Even so, most of my play have been and could be described as "casual". What I would need to do to step up my game is to participate in a tournament of some kind. That fact is as plain as day, but the participation may be easier said than done, as I don't belong to a team (though I do belong to a Unite Squad - which may be a different avenue to explore). I've decided to try to reason how I might go about it and what would happen if I do so.

For team tournaments, which are becoming more and more numerous and includes but is not limited to the makings of the World Championships, it's pretty obvious that I need to find a team, and fast. I'm actually part of a loose regional association of those who play Unite, and tournament info sometimes makes its way around, so it would only be a matter of grouping up with the others for the tournaments we're interested in. Yet this too is also easier said than done, and furthermore, I may have created some friction with the others. That would leave me to group up with those who play locally, but they too are off and on. It seems to be a challenge whichever way I go.

There is, however, one tournament that I can stand to participate in even by my lonesomeness. Pokémon Unite Challenge Day is a tournament where full teams can register, but one can also register solo (individually) or as a duo and even a trio with others, and these competitors will then be matched up with others to form full teams. The most recent edition of this tournament, however, has concluded, and I would need to wait for the next edition to participate. I would also really need to commit to the tournament, but this is par for the course for any tournament regardless. It remains something to think about for next time.

No matter what happens, if I do participate in a Pokémon Unite tournament, it can be expected that I will cover it on this blog, as I've done for VGC tournaments in the past and PvP tournaments closer to the present. I consider all tournaments like these to be consummate experiences of Pokémon games, so there's a particular incentive for me to cover the ones I do participate in, and occasionally the biggest ones like the World Championships. The coverage for Pokémon Unite, though, will certainly have to be different, and much will be dictated by the structure of the tournament as well as what I do within its confines - but that's for when things happen.

Even with my current skill set in Pokémon Unite, I'm still quite interested in taking part in a tournament for it. The main problem of not having a team is one to be resolved in this case, although the solution might be expected to be "out of the box" in some way. Then again, Pokémon Unite has always been "out of the box" by its gameplay ever since it began to exist, and being in a tournament would honor that aspect - so too it would apply for going beyond the bounds of my normally "casual" play.

Three years ago: Some Pokémon Commercials
Five years ago: Pokémon Brand Parodies

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