Monday, October 17, 2022

A New Set of Pokémon Dolls

Of all the things that Pokémon fans can collect, dolls are likely to be high on the list. They're nice to look at and fun to play with, and if one is a cosplayer like me, they fulfill (un)imaginable purposes. They're also something I haven't discussed in a long time, as I haven't dealt with them since a particular instance of obtaining one. Now, though, I've obtained not just one, but three Pokémon dolls - a set of them, which is a bit of an impressive feat as well as a prompted necessity, which will be explained soon enough.

The dolls that I've obtained this time are of Charmander, Squirtle, and Vulpix - the last of these (and practically all the species here) Kanto, obviously. Two of these are starter Pokémon, while the other one has a relatively niche popularity. All of these I received without packaging or indication of their brand, with the exception of Squirtle, which is definitively identified as part of the Pocket Monsters Mogu Mogu Time collection thanks to the paper tag that came along with it. Still, by the doll tags themselves and how I sourced one of them, the other two I've identified as official (original) Nintendo and therefore Pokémon merchandise, regardless of their other possible origins.

Yet to be honest, only two of these are definitively mine, being the Charmander and Vulpix dolls. I obtained the former with the help of a friend on a shopping platform which I don't have access to, but luckily my friend does; thanks to that, I'm able to make the identification. The doll is relatively cheap, but coupled with the shipping cost, which was as expensive as the doll, it did come out a bit pricey - it is also indicative of the origins of its purveyor, who is actually quite remote. The latter, meanwhile, was completely handled by another friend and I simply provided payment, but if it's anything like the former, the origins may be more or less the same, down to the shady particulars.

As for the Squirtle that isn't definitively mine, it belongs to yet a different friend, but the procurement may be said to be the same as the Vulpix, even down to who handled it. The reason that I've included it here is that friend of mine has entrusted the safekeeping of the doll to me due to certain concerns, which deserve to be discussed but not now. Long story short, the doll is practically mine for many intents and purposes, including the true intent of all of these dolls - also something to be discussed but when that time comes. Yet I am still responsible for it regardless, and that's fine; I will simply regard it as a precious collectible, as are the other dolls and my Pokémon collection in general.

Whether they are or aren't mine, I definitely enjoy having Pokémon dolls as part of my collection, even now with three (two plus one) additions. They take quite a bit of time and even funds to source and obtain, but they're still well worth it, given the indication that they are indeed official merchandise to a certain extent. That would still be definitive of a huge fan like me, as the effort to extend a collection as far as possible and to have it be rather purposive for all that one might want to do.

Three years ago: Wallpaper: Pokésoft Mix
Five years ago: Pokémon and Trains

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