Friday, October 7, 2022

Filling a Trainer's Home with Pokémon

If in yesterday's post I discussed a topic about Pokémon Trainers and traveling - specifically, the ways that they might opt to do - this time, I want to discuss about them and their homes. Specifically, I wish to discuss how those homes may be filled with Pokémon. Now, it seems that the matter might be an obvious one, given that their homes are in the Pokémon world after all. Yet as with different matters, there can be an insightful side of it, and that's what I'd like to explore.

Those who have experienced the very first Pokémon adventure on the original main series games will likely recognize the implication that besides being put into battle, Pokémon can also be kept as pets. Because of that, it's hard not to expect that some homes of Trainers (at the very least) will have one or two pet Pokémon, especially ones who have outlived their usefulness in "service" in some form. Some homes might even have wild Pokémon "guests" that effectively serve as pets - perhaps in that sense, no longer "wild". Whatever the case, pet Pokémon are still certain to coexist with people, especially in homes of Trainers.

Around the home, Pokémon is likely to be present in, on, and as household objects. Many of these objects could potentially resemble existing Pokémon Center merchandise, or be otherwise completely unique objects that are not (or even have not been) represented by the merchandise in question. The objects might have the involvement of a Pokémon corporation like Silph or Devon, or they might be completely and uniquely identifiable ones outside of their involvement. Any home, Pokémon or otherwise, need at least a few things within them to make a home, and for a Trainer's home, the Pokémon content will be of certainty.

Speaking of Pokémon content, the media that a Trainer will have around the home will certainly involve Pokémon as well, though the focus may be different. Trainers of the analytic sort - perhaps like Goh and fledgling Pokémon Professors - are likely to possess and view media with quite a bit of scientific orientation to complement their investigations. It is more likely, however, that many Trainers will be of the sort of pop culture fans, and they'll likely have magazines and novels instead. Trainers are after all people, and Pokémon influence aside, they'll have different influences for sure.

Everyone needs a home - even for Pokémon Trainers who wander and whether or not they'll grow tired of that wandering. Whoever they might be, those homes will likely and necessarily contain Pokémon as well, not just (but also invariably) in the actual form of the namesake species themselves. They still need to live in it after all, and they need objects for that; in the world of Pokémon, those objects are sure to contain the presence of the species somehow. In that case, they essentially "make a house a home" for the Trainers.

Five years ago: Iron Trainers?

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