Friday, October 28, 2022

From Draft to Post: The Thought Process of Pokémon Blogging

I've noted in my post yesterday that the post initially started out as a draft that I kept for a long time before I finally decided to write it up. As a matter of fact, so were the posts on the two days that preceded it. With that being the case, I feel that I should also write up something on the thought process that goes into those posts, specifically on turning the semblances of drafts into full-fledged posts. As a Pokémon blogger, it could be considered a fascinating process.

Quite a bit of that process I've also explained in another earlier post and yet another one, so this post serves mostly to expand them. That starts out with the "seeds" of those posts, being the drafts. If I consider there is a Pokémon topic that I could potentially turn into a post containing its discussion, it gets noted somehow - on this blog directly as a draft, as a note on a separate app, a voice note in some form, and/or even by offline means. Otherwise, it becomes very easy for me to lose track of them, much less their development into a post.

As for that development, some drafts and ideas, particularly if they're "volatile" or already set, can or have to be developed fairly quickly. This would be the case for things like Community Day or Café Remix features, which are often evident right away. Others, though, often need to be "knocked around" for some time before they can be turned into anything useful, which in the best case might take a month or two, or in the worst case, like the three posts in the beginning: years and years. Either way, the process is still worth it for a good post.

Certain posts on this blog are known to be made on rather quick timescales, regardless of the daily nature of them in general. For those, the same thought process also occurs, but as can be guessed, they have (or are forced) to occur rather quickly, from idea conception to "knocking it around" and eventually having a full post. Sometimes it seems rather miraculous how that happens, but there are times when Pokémon know-how and other kinds of know-how all work together within a snap to result in the posts and discussions contained in them.

With the three posts I mentioned at the beginning, I've managed to lighten my draft load. Yet, it won't be too soon before I start adding to that load once again as I continue to think up or come upon new Pokémon post or discussion ideas for development over time, along with those that need to be developed and written up practically on the spur of the moment. So is the nature of Pokémon today with current and developing complexities, which just await to be made into posts on this blog.

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