Thursday, October 27, 2022

Equivalent Spirits

A very long time ago, I had the idea to write a post on a Pokémon topic, but I felt that I didn't have enough material to do so. Because of that, I left it as a draft for the longest time. However, now I've thought about it again, and I consider that the topic is rather vague in and of itself, except for the central idea that prompted it. I now feel that I can only write about that central idea, and so I've decided to work with just that.

The idea is that some situations across different Pokémon games have spirits that are equivalent. My original intent was to extend this to the terms that apply to those situations, but this is where things get dicey, and as such, it wouldn't make a good discussion. Yet the "equivalent spirits" idea is a powerful one, and some discussion can still be made out of that, which is exactly what I've chosen to do.

One situation is Pokémon with the best stats possible, which in the main series games could likely involve what are called 6IV Pokémon, but in Pokémon Go could likely involve those with 100% IVs (which is the origin of the "hundo" term and all its other derivates). It becomes obvious that the terms align only loosely if at all, much less the situations, but the "spirits" of being the best in either case have a good deal of alignment.

For those who like being close to their Pokémon, this can similarly occur. Past main series games allowed the "Affection" levels of Pokémon to be raised, which in doing so results in the Pokémon being able to do nifty things for their Trainers, especially at the highest level. In Pokémon Go, meanwhile, this is achieved through the Buddy Pokémon function, with the highest level being a Best Buddy. The "spirits" appear equivalent even if the terms aren't.

Many situations are present in different Pokémon games, and the terms for them are likely to differ just as much as the games do, including but not limited to the ones I've mentioned above. But even with their differences, it may be apparent that a certain spirit of sameness can be achieved within and across those differences. That much is clear, even if their technical workings may not be readily apparent as being such.

Three years ago: Explaining the Supernatural

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