Saturday, October 27, 2018

Pokémon Go Event Rollup, 10/27/2018

Before this month ends, I've got to do an event rollup for Pokémon Go. As I've mentioned all the way back in June's edition of this rollup, I recap things that have happened or are happening, and that I have not already covered otherwise in a different post and are not viable for one, at least not yet. Even then, there are fascinating things to be discussed about quite a few of these events, especially in regard to their features, and there are three that strike that fascination and really include features.

A couple of weeks ago, there were two events that could almost be said to be linked to one another. Over the course of a week, there was something called the "Psychic Spectacular", and then for one day, there was something called "Female Day". The former involved increased appearances of Psychic-type Pokémon, while the latter involved increased appearances of female Pokémon. What's more, both events unleashed Shiny forms, the former for the Drowzee family and the latter for the female Nidoran family. It is becoming evident that events like these, not to mention Community Days and such, seem to be vehicles for not only featuring select Pokémon, but unleashing their Shiny forms as well. The Shiny forms may or may not be welcome with certain players, but at least the featured Pokémon may be nice to capture.

Whilst discussing features and fascinations, there is a big one that has both: fourth-generation Pokémon have now made their way in! This is another great step for the game, which had already celebrated two years of presence last July. Like the third-generation Pokémon, the fourth-generation ones will come in waves of updates, and the first wave featured the starters as well as a few stars like Starly (ahem), Bidoof, and even Riolu. Bidoof was even "popular" for a single day, which made for a rousing good time. Meanwhile, Shinx became a popular Level 1 raid boss due to the possibility of it becoming Shiny, being the first Pokémon of this generation that got its Shiny form. The others will come in due time and will surely be the source for more fascination.

Since it's October, it can't be forgotten that Halloween is almost here, and to celebrate, the Halloween Event has returned. All the perks from last year's edition have returned - Ghost types, Dark types, and the Spooky Pikachu - as well as a few new ones: now Spooky Pikachu is available in its Shiny form, and with the entry of the fourth-generation Pokémon, Drifloon plus its Shiny form and Stunky also enter the fray. The biggest new perk is a change in the Level 5 raid boss: Giratina, in its Altered Forme, becomes the first Legendary boss of the fourth-generation Pokémon in Go to coincide with the event. This Halloween event just got way more spectacular.

These events are fascinating indeed and really do feature a host of Pokémon in the game, even in the quirkiest of ways. And then there are all the Shiny forms that make it in as well. Features and fascinations will always and surely be a part of the events that appear in Pokémon Go, but then these recent ones seem to have quite a bit of those - maybe even an overload. The events that come may not measure up in terms of that, but that remains to be seen; they'll still have them regardless.

One year ago: Expecting Something Special

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