Thursday, October 6, 2022

Means of Venturing for Trainers

Recently, I read about (more appropriately, viewed) a report about a family who has essentially made or converted a van as their home. They roam about for everything in their life, from work to play and everything in between. This situation is undoubtedly similar to active Pokémon Trainers, who need to venture across regions (and/or the world) to fulfill their objectives. To do so, they also need ways or means to accomplish that venturing, and I feel that makes an intriguing discussion topic - and so it shall be for this post.

The most natural mode of venturing is on two legs - in other words, by walking. Many Trainers also take up this mode since it's natural and it's what they're meant to do, especially over distances of a small scale. It allows them to meet Pokémon and people, and to find and do everything that they need for their journey. In fact, regardless of any other mode of venturing that they may peruse, walking is likely to be necessary to a good extent for the good of Trainers, their Pokémon, and their objectives for venturing in the first place.

For distances of a slightly greater scale, a "vehicle" of some kind has or may have to be necessary. I put the term in quotes because it may refer to a motor vehicle - typical ones like cars, motorcycles, and so on - or to a Pokémon ride, like flying on a Dragonite or Charizard or even traversing with a Rhyhorn or Mudsdale. Either of these is arguably fitting, as the likes of Sonia for the former and Lance for the latter can and do utilize them, so other Trainers can do the same, even for limited stretches.

Of course, the world of Pokémon is one of a great scale, as great as the real world it is based on if anything is to be believed about it. Therefore, for Trainers getting to distant places, they will likewise require bigger and faster vehicles like ships and planes to make the journey more efficient - and these are exactly what Ash and Goh use to get to places quickly in their role as research fellows for Professor Cerise. After that, smaller vehicles or even just walking ought to be sufficient for whatever Trainers may have in mind.

It is certain that Trainers will have to venture to places in order to battle, befriend, and/or capture Pokémon in order to fulfill their objectives, but how they would do so might be open to a little bit of interpretation, especially in consideration of necessity. That is likewise the case for the Trainers themselves as well. They might not have to go all out and convert a van in order to roam about for Pokémon, but it's certainly believable as it is for the family that lives in it as is for Trainers who live in the Pokémon world.

Three years ago: (Not) Sparkling Names
Four years ago: My Town, Pokémon Town
Five years ago: What's in a Name?

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