Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Pokémon, Lucky Love in Teenage Heaven

Lucky love belongs in teenage heaven
I know, I know
'Cause I've been there with you tonight
Lucky love belongs in teenage heaven
I know, I know
'Cause I've been there with you tonight...
-- "Lucky Love", Ace of Base

Since I've discussed my Pokémon experiences with an AoB song every other year on this day, I thought I'd make it a threepeat this time around. Now, when Pokémon was introduced, it would be conceivable that some of its earliest fans at that time (myself included) were in their teens or were just entering that time of their lives. To be able to become attracted to Pokémon then seems like a lucky happenstance... and so it is with this song, describing it as a "teenage heaven".

As is the case with many of this group's songs and other similar ones, the love described in this song is romantic. The lyrics illustrate the kindling and rekindling that love may go through, especially for people who might just be in their teens and are starting to discover what love is with others of significance. After that, it just becomes a matter of rediscovering it as time passes and with what moments that time presents afterward.

Kindling and rekindling might also appropriately describe the feelings of attraction of any Pokémon fan - especially the ones I've described above - might have with each new Pokémon thing, story, adventure, and so on. The feeling emerges, dwindles, and then emerges again, and for those who are definitely attracted, whether at that original time or even any time past that, they might just consider themselves fortunate. And then, everything goes back to this song.

Of course, now those same Pokémon fans who were originally in their teens at the time of introduction have become grownups, as with perhaps those who had originally heard this song way back when and were also teens at that time. But then it seems that for those people, they never grow out of that teen spirit, and so it persists. And whether it's romance or Pokémon, that may just be or have been a match made in "teenage heaven".

Four years ago: Being Young and Proud
Five years ago: PokéNumbers

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