Saturday, October 22, 2022

Stamp Events in Café Remix

Another point of commonality between Pokémon Shuffle and Pokémon Café Remix is the feature of daily stamps, which as I've discussed in tangent four years ago, becomes a task unto itself. The feature in the latter game, however, is slightly expanded in the form of specific instances yet still maintains similarity, and thus it is fitting to call its instances as "stamp events", in similar vein to other (even unrelated) games that implement them as such. It also deserves a fair bit of exploration, which is the point of this post.

First, there are the common daily stamps. Functionally, this is similar to the predecessor, handing out pre-puzzle and mid-puzzle items as well as Golden Acorns, in line with those of their predecessor as well as Enhancements, Coins, and Jewels; Café Remix, however, does not hand out Stamina, the equivalent of Hearts in Shuffle, which are handed out in that game. The similarity is right down to its structure: 15 items, one earned each day, repeating after that time. One important difference is that in Café Remix, the stamps are automatically earned each day upon accessing the main screen of the game (a "login" in its terms), in comparison to Shuffle, where a check-in has to be initiated manually each day. The gist is still the same, which is to access the games each day to grab the useful goodies for now and/or later.

The expansion of the feature in Café Remix, which makes this feature an "event", is related to certain specific periods. During those periods, another instance of daily stamps appears, and a stamp is earned for that. The common regular daily stamps are not replaced by the instance, and they are earned immediately after. As for rewards, they are commonly Golden Acorns in great amounts - often greater than those after five days of login - but occasionally there are specific Pokémon outfits as well as selections of different items to be earned. These are also typically a portion of the general overarching event period, which allows those who do not play every day to still be able to get all the goodies that are necessary to make play more fun.

It may be said that the differences in the implementation of daily stamps between both games aren't too fundamental - Café Remix is practically the successor of Shuffle, after all - but in the former, it may be said that the implementation is adaptive in addition to being expansive. And that's kind of the point of being a successor, to be able to improve the previous installment, but it's at least comforting that some tasks and results can be achieved in the same ways.

Four years ago: Resilience
Five years ago: Cosplay: Arigatoo...!!!

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