Sunday, October 30, 2022

Cosplay: Halloweeaboo Cosplay Party

Me: I want to be honest about this one. I really have mixed feelings about this event - which you'll find out soon enough - so I did or didn't want to send Ash for this one.

Goh: I can see that, just by the name. "Halloweeaboo"?

Pikachu: Pi pi pika? ["Why so weird?"]

Me: Well, as you can guess, it's a takeoff on "Halloween", which we'll deal with... tomorrow, in fact - although this one is for my friends and me, who like Japanese things. But that's also what creates the mixed feelings.

Ash: Oh, Halloween! So are we going to see spooky stuff like Pumpkaboo, Gastly, things like that?

Me: No. None of that.

Goh: What do you mean?

Me: See, the organizers decided - or rather, were forced - to ban ghosts, spooky things, and scaring people. In fact, it was originally "Halloween" before they changed it, maybe because of that. So you can see where this is going.

Goh: No wonder. You must not be the only one who's confused.

Me: A lot of people are. If I showed you what they talked about, there would be no end to it.

Ash: So, is there still a reason for me to go?

Me: That's the thing. I actually didn't want you to go on this day unless it was the only thing that you could go to... and it is. I was kind of hoping we could prepare a little something special, but that too seems to have blown up in different ways.

Ash: I guess I'm going then.

Me: You might want to keep Pikachu at bay for this one.

Ash: I understand. Pikachu, don't make yourself too obvious, OK?

Pikachu: Pika... ["Well..."]

Ash: OK, so I'm here for...

Me: Singing. "Chiisaki Mono." Hoenn outfit. You know the drill. And... that's all.

Ash: Oh, so it's like that one time to a faraway convention. But this one is nearby and- hey, it's the same place as the party and celebration from before! I guess I'm doing this again.

Me: Yes. Yes it is. So you see why this is such a big deal. 

Goh: From what I see, the events get slightly better, but they also get more controversial.

Me: That is true; the controversy detracts from the execution. Now, how did they fare this time?

Ash: Not much better from last time! There was still a sea of people, and everyone was everywhere. Wait, I saw Pumpkaboo lanterns. I thought it was supposed to be not spooky.

Goh: Their recent media seems to still be "Halloween" and not "not-Halloween".

Me: They never did take that suggestion of changing the theme and graphics to heart. Some friends and I suggested it, but they just ignored it.

Ash: By the way, you didn't sign me up really early, so I had to sign up at the event. Luckily you gave me what I needed - and they allowed it.

Me: Yeah, that's the thing about this. If I was more decisive about it and it wasn't as controversial, I'd have signed you up really early.

Ash: Are you sure you don't want me in the character parade?

Me: No; think of this as our little "statement" that we don't like how things are being organized. Besides, sometimes we've got to "put our eggs in one basket and watch that basket". To make up for this, I've arranged for you to leave early and meet my friends for a different "sing-along". 

Ash: I understand. I'll take that. Also, they moved the stage from the party before! But now it's really small. 

Goh: You'd think that they'd at least have a bigger stage when things are this popular.

Ash: Yeah, I mean, the stage from before was good - they just needed to work it.

Me: I hear they also forced everything to be outside. How was that?

Ash: You told me that you're concerned about it raining, but it didn't rain. It was sunny with some clouds - it was even a bit hot!

Goh: Oh, so we got the opposite problem. But that should be better for them than rain.

Me: OK, how was the performance?

Ash: I did good. The words were fine. I almost lost the rhythm at one point.

Me: Hmm, don't worry about it.

Ash: They had a lot of mic problems. The last singer had it off almost the entire time, and they couldn't make it work with a guitar.

Me: What can you see about the character parade? I know you're not in it, but maybe you can find out a couple of things.

Ash: It was... like last time again?

Me: OK, no improvement, then - or not much. See, that's poor organization. That's your cue to leave and just meet my friends.

Ash: Yeah. I met them and we had a great time, maybe just as great as the event.

Goh: But the event itself... It seems they still need to work on a lot of things. They still need to figure out how to work the crowd.

Ash: I'd love to see a better character parade.

Pikachu: Pika, pi pi pika pika... ["Well, I want to be myself..."]

Me: All of the above, plus a better Halloween event. Maybe not theirs, but something else can also work. Speaking of which, did the performance work out?

Ash: I asked one of your friends to cover for me if something happened, and... I guess nothing happened.

Me: I've got nothing here either. So it's safe to say that we didn't get anything.

Ash: A friend of you told me that whether we win or not, everyone appreciates us.

Goh: Wow, that must mean you two are really well-known.

Me: I guess we are, but I still wish it could be more evident.

Goh: I'm sure it will, just like how this event should improve.

Me: Why not. That's something to look forward to.

Pikachu: Pi pika! ["Just wait!"]

One year ago: In the Blackest Dens
Four years ago: Community Day Workflow

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