Monday, January 27, 2020

Spinning Like a Spinda

Today, I've been experiencing a situation that while isn't exactly dry, is in a way also unwanted. For much of the day, I've been feeling rather "spinny", most likely as a result of everything I have to do. It left me feeling as if I was a Spinda, the (in)famous Pokémon with a tottering disposition. Now, it seems that in this state, there are better things to do rather than to keep up with my daily affairs. However, even with this state, I'm still inclined to think it in a Pokémon manner, and therefore entails the creation of this post.

For me personally, I've been continuously doing a certain activity for at least the past two months or so, and it hasn't let up since then. While it is necessary for me to do it so that I have something to fall back on, at the same time I also feel that I need to give myself a pause every so often, which means doing things like posting on this blog and attending yesterday's one heck of a theme event. Still, at the same time, everything seems to still have resulted in things becoming somewhat "spinny", perhaps somewhat more than usual and therefore amounting to the ways of a Spinda.

For a Spinda, though, this may be considered evidently normal. It walks around and about, consistently in its "spinny" state, but it seems otherwise unaffected. In fact, if it is actually "spinny" in its perceptions, it doesn't seem to show it due to its blank look even as it continues to proceed in its own "spinny" ways. It continues to appear as "spinny" as it is normally. In a way, this could be considered rather impressive; it proceeds living in a "spinny" state, whether or not it is actually "spinny" within. Granted, it doesn't do the things I do, but it may do its things almost to the same level as I do.

My life, and particularly today, continues to go on in a "spinny" state, just like the state that Spinda seems to be in. But for all its "spinny" demeanor, it seems to be fine through and through no matter what it does. I may not be able to say that that is completely the way I feel right now, but at least I become inclined to continue with what I do, even with my "spinny" state. It's still as "spinny" as ever, but after considering Spinda and its appearance, it seems to become less so.

As of yet, I and Spinda might be due for a few more "spinny" things ahead.

One year ago: The Cards, Revisited
Two years ago: Changes
Three years ago: A Loss Is... A Loss?

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