Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Pokémon Is... A Lifesaver?

Some days ago, I wrote about how Pokémon can be construed as "magic", according to certain properties and relationships. Something else that might amount to that is a different relationship, one that has a profound human effect: Pokémon may be construed as a "lifesaver". It may be a strange notion - perhaps stranger than the other one - but it might make sense; as such, I thought about discussing them close together, but in the end I had to place a gap between them for various reasons. Nevertheless, now I'm taking the time to discuss it.

Browsing through comments on certain YouTube videos about Pokémon, I've found many people bringing up how Pokémon is indeed like that for them. There are those who say that Pokémon has been a wonder (read: "magical") for them in this regard, having been able to detract them from unstable mental states, extant worldly evils, and counter-productive behaviors, and to provide them something to do, experience, and enjoy. Some of them may state what it is they're attracted to (gameplay, camaraderie, and so on), while for others, it might be a "je ne sais quoi" kind of thing. Regardless, it's easy to see that they might not have been able to survive otherwise, and thus the "lifesaver" quality is evident.

A couple of years ago, one of my Pokémon fellows was having a hard time, almost to the point of becoming involved in one of the things that I listed above. Being that I enjoy Pokémon just as much as the person does, I just had to intervene and help out as much as I can, even involving one of my other Pokémon friends; ever since then, we've been very close as friends. Recently, though, my friend is back in a tight spot, and it seems we may need each other and Pokémon more than ever. While Pokémon is more of an intermediary or "proxy" in this situation, it may be considered that its "lifesaving" quality is represented very well by our attachment and enjoyment of it, and that seems sufficient to make issues disappear.

Then, there's the case of myself. I'd like to think that the "lifesaving" aspect is apparent, for without Pokémon, I could foresee myself becoming a "delinquent" in many ways, some of which again involve the things I had listed above and the engagement with them. As in the case of the people I had mentioned way up there, Pokémon served then, and still serves now, as a diversion from bad things and a prompt for me to do good things with everything that I enjoy and deal with about it. While this might be a result of the contribution of several connected things, I consider that Pokémon remains at the heart of that matrix, and thus the "lifesaving" aspect is manifested no matter what.

For something to be a "lifesaver", it has to have a great impact on a person, whether physically or spiritually. That seems to be quite true for Pokémon, if the experiences of everyone above are any indication. There are impacts all around, but the results of all of those impacts share a single thread, that Pokémon brings them from bad to good (and in some cases, from good to better). In that sense, it may not be that strange and it is quite reasonable, however much of it 
may be considered as "magic" that becomes a charm for its many fans.

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