Monday, February 13, 2023

A Double Intense Pokémon Dream

It's rare that I have Pokémon dreams that are neatly timed with my Pokémon happenings, moreover ones that are quite intense. Yet that is what happened after I got back from the festival/convention event that is near and dear to me, as that night and into the morning, I found myself in a Pokémon dream. Actually, it was not just one dream, but two dreams, although they may also be considered two parts of a single dream. And they're both intense in their own ways.

The first dream (or the first part) involved a cosplay situation. I was in my Ash cosplay, and I was meeting with others who are also in the same state. The place I met them vaguely resembled a certain part of my neighborhood, though it was most likely the exterior of a convention somewhere. The "intense" part was that I was overcome with emotion as the moment happened, and as such I was at a loss for words and reactions. After that, things simply transitioned into the second (part of the) dream.

As things progressed, I found myself playing Pokémon Unite. The only thing is that I was using a Pokémon that is not (yet currently) in the game: Salamence. What was "intense" about that was that when I used its Unite Move, not much seemed to happen at first, but later on, an explosive reaction occurred that practically gave the win to my team. It seemed rather abnormal but not completely of the question. At that point, I was awakened for the happenings of my regular day, including ones related to Pokémon.

Even without doing the necessary things, or having them happen, everything just happened so vividly in the dreams; I never noted anything down - which is my usual action if I had a very important dream like the above - and yet I could still remember most of the important (and intense) parts. It may be a sign that intensity is due for some Pokémon happenings soon, or that I need to up my intensity regarding Pokémon things and be able to deal with them, as they occurred in the dreams above.

Much goes on throughout my Pokémon life and all the Pokémon happenings that occur within it. And if everything is right, they might occur as intensely as they might ever occur. The two dreams or parts of a dream above encapsulate that in different ways with different and current Pokémon happenings, particularly those that are personally related to me. They couldn't have happened at a more appropriate time, perhaps even as things develop.

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