Thursday, February 2, 2023

Being Surrounded by Promotional Cards

The air seems to be filled with a TCG mood, and so it seems that I will be dealing with some things about that in the next few days. The first thing I want to cover is the promotional cards that have always been a unique part of the game. In an environment where it has pervaded, there ought to be a number of sources for those cards, and at this point, my local area can be considered such an environment. It makes one feel as if one is "surrounded", and that may be the case with some promotional cards I've obtained.

For the two cards on the left and the pack in the middle, they should be no stranger to others, the former more locally and the latter more commonly. The two cards are from the series of local convenience store promotions from last year, and the middle pack is the special Professor's Research card. Evidently, I've opened the silver envelope packs and obtained another Spheal and a Pikachu; the middle pack I don't need to open (yet) because what's inside is predictable... and I don't want to expose it anyway, as I'd like to give the code to one of my friends while keeping the card to myself, and that hasn't happened. Even so, I actually obtained these cards as a surplus from a friend and not from the actual promotion itself, though my friend could have done just that, and that's acceptable. It's at least an evidence that the promotion is (or was) widespread and surrounding.

Then there are the two cards on the right from the purple envelope packs. These are obviously promotional cards from the Chatime drink chain, and they are given with purchase of a drink - and I bought two drinks, as I detailed some days ago. At the time of purchasing them, I was even offered to purchase an additional pack with the purchase of the drinks, but I passed up the offer so others can have a chance at collecting the cards. In retrospect, however, maybe I should have taken the offers when they were made, since I ended up with two Eevee cards, and I was hoping for different ones. At least, this is the promotion that currently surrounds Trainers locally and deserves to be taken advantage of.

Further promotion of the TCG locally and where I am might have to wait for the next willing sponsor, but it may be safe enough to say that the sponsor will want to keep surrounding the local Trainers with the cards. Other places around the world can take this situation as an inspiration to keep surrounding prospective Trainers and masters of the TCG with cards of great interest and certainly of high playability.

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