Tuesday, February 28, 2023

The Peak of Mythical Wishes

Finally, to wrap up February, there is the wrap-up to the Season of Mythical Wishes in Pokémon Go, as is typical since the season system started two and a quarter years ago. At the beginning of the season, I suggested that the season may have its "heftiness" - with this season being the first two-word-titled season - along with its "aspirations", which may be of a "fabled" nature due to the prepending of "Mythical". It is then imperative to see how the three interpreted keywords above became manifested during the season, for Pokémon Go and even beyond.

On the Pokémon Go front, "fabled aspirations" were definitely fulfilled by the appearance of Keldeo in December and expectations of Shiny Jirachi just this month (with the actual realization being much later). The other events throughout the three months were less "fabled" but just as "aspirational" for Trainers who are still deeply involved, with the pinnacle being Pokémon Go Tour last weekend for everyone and the week before for the fortunate Las Vegas attendees. Even so, after all that, it seems that there are still many aspirations hanging and left unfulfilled rather than settled and fulfilled. This point certainly needs its own discussion, but it still can be said that the season did live up to its name to a certain capacity.

As for "aspirations" across other Pokémon realms, they might not have been "fabled", but they might measure up to that. The virtual TCG heading towards a new incarnation is surely an "aspiration", especially as it shifts from a "fable" beta to a realistic release. The new Pokémon that have joined Pokémon Unite - and there have been a few - up to now may not (yet) have been what were "aspired", but they may skirt "fables" in their capabilities. Meanwhile, the local Pokémon event that I had the opportunity to participate in may be said to have captured many Pokémon aspirations, though it may not be all of them. More opportunities for fulfillment may and have to arise in the future, and not just remain "fabled" or "hefty".

Even the latest Pokémon Presents from yesterday may be considered to have its share of "fabled aspirations", some of which may be about to be fulfilled and others may just remain as "fables" at present. For the latter, analyses had been made earlier as to what may come up, but they have been proven untrue as yet. For the former, the fulfillment seems to be in half-expected and half-unexpected directions, though fulfillment is fulfillment nonetheless. I'm still saving much of the specific details for a post all its own, even though the details are pretty well-known by now, but much of what I've said today and yesterday should suffice as a preview for what has appeared and will be discussed then; as with Go Tour, it is a bit "hefty".

By the above, the "fabled aspirations" as well as "heftiness" may be taken as a bit of an abstraction over the previous Pokémon Go season and other Pokémon happenings, but what has occurred as above should evidently reflect those qualities. With that, the season winds down, but it won't be long now before Trainers (and/or their Pokémon) will have to rise up and take the challenge of their epic struggles. That too could be a great "fabled aspiration", though it would manifest overarchingly in the times ahead.

One year ago: The Peak of Heritage
Two years ago: The Peak of Celebrations
Four years ago: The Birthday of a Hero
Five years ago: Cosplay Poses

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