Wednesday, March 1, 2023

The Season of Rising Heroes

This new season in Pokémon Go could be said to be its most enigmatic yet, although its title may not suggest as such. It's also the tenth one overall, which shows how far it has come - and it has to go farther. As evident by the title, it's called the Season of Rising Heroes, and it's the "rising up" I teased in the post that ended the previous season yesterday. It has the potential to be very dynamic, and that's part of the enigma; the rest of that is composed of its realization over the course of the next three months ahead.

One unique thing about this season is that it takes on a typically western "comic book" theme, particularly with implications of superheroes, which is a little unusual for Pokémon as it hails from the east. Or rather, it is an infrequent theme; Pokémon Unite, in fact, just ended a season with a superhero and comic book theme, so now it seems to be Pokémon Go's turn to have a stab at the theme. Given that attempt and the previous attempt by Pokémon Unite, it may be that Pokémon is trying to bring universality to the table with its own interpretation of the theme and a unique flavor to it - thus an enigma of sorts.

Being true to that, Pokémon Go has already lined up a slew of "super" Pokémon this month, along with a set of "super" events to start off the season right. Once they're realized and the month is nearly up, I'll be sure to gather them up in an event rollup, but until then, it's a matter of rising to the occasion of those events in a heroic manner with what one can currently muster. And that's just this month; there are still two more months of the season, and if they're anything like this month, they'll certainly have to provide the (hopefully dynamic) answers and methods for Trainers to be able to rise even further.

As for other Pokémon matters, they might receive some of the "spillover spirit" of the current Pokémon Go season, and that's a welcome thing. Some of those things, which may have been explained in the edition of Pokémon Presents from two days ago (and I still need to get to writing about), may just really need that spirit of rising up - perhaps quite literally in one case after the main objective has been fulfilled. That also includes Pokémon Unite, which after a spate of heroes just went on to deliver one more with a blade of honor. Evidently, these have been enigmatic and dynamic as well.

Enigmas and dynamics seem to be the marker for this Pokémon Go season with its core theme and various implications that arise from it. Pokémon has been known to be able to provide both of those in different ways in past years, and now they seem to be demanded to come together for this Pokémon Go season and perhaps other Pokémon happenings as well. What is clear is that they're both challenges, and Trainers have to rise to meet and surpass them if they want to be the "heroes" that they truly are, especially this season.

One year ago: The Season of Alola
Two years ago: The Season of Legends
Three years ago: Cosplay: March Funtastico
Four years ago: In Living Galar
Six years ago: Posters

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