Me: OK, this Community Day edition should be fun, which is partially why I opted to send Ash again today.
Ash: Why not? It's always fun!
Pikachu: Pi pika! ["Sure do!"]
Goh: There are always a few surprises.
Me: Right. Today is is a big one: we have Slowpoke. Not just the one from Kanto, but also the one from Galar!
Ash, Goh: Wow!!
Me: Yeah, I know it would resonate with you two, because you've been to Slowpoke Island and met all the forms.
Goh: Haha, yeah! That was confusing and exciting.
Me: So that means Slowbro and Slowking as the evolved forms, and their Galarian forms as well. That's a whole lot - it doesn't come close to Eevee (which has been featured), but it's a lot.
Goh: What's the special move today?
Me: For all the evolved forms, they get Surf. It really fits the Kanto forms well since they're part Water but the Galarian forms can benefit too, especially when battling other people.
Goh: And the bonuses - there has to be those.
Me: Of course. Tripled XP is the main thing, but doubled catch Candy and increased Candy XL chance is another thing. As usual from last time, we have extended Lure Modules and Incense, photo bombs, and trade bonuses.
Ash: Who do I get to talk to for doing things?
Me: Well, the paid tasks I set you up with are titled "Field Notes: Slow and Slower", so you'll likely be talking to Rhi, with or without Professor Willow. As for other things, you might see Level 4 raids of Slowpoke, but that shouldn't matter - and I'm sure you'll need to go into my Gift stash for items and stickers. There are outfit items too, but those aren't our concern.
Goh: You know, Slowpoke needs a King's Rock to evolve to Slowking. Don't you need to get those?
Me: Don't worry about that. There are a few time-based tasks to help out with that. Speaking of help, I'm told that for today, Galarian Slowpoke only needs to be a Buddy and captures of 30 Psychic-type Pokémon.
Ash: Got it! So, I went to the same park like last month. I met your friends, grabbed the goodies, and caught a lot of Slowpoke. A lot of people got a Slowpoke - the one from Kanto - that was the best it could be - I did too! It appeared just as the Slowpoke started to appear.
Goh: Wow!! But it wasn't Shiny?
Ash: No one caught a Shiny one for that.
Goh: I guess things happen. You still had a great time, right?
Ash: We sure did!
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Ash: I was holding up the poster on the right of this image while I was just wearing my base outfit. |
Me: I did send you with your outfit again, because like last time, there was something else I could send you to... but I made the choice for this one because it seemed better and it was less farther away. But I can make it up with something else tomorrow.
Ash: I guess I can't wait for that too!
Goh: By the way, which ones did you evolve for our friend here?
Ash: I evolved two great regular Slowpoke into a Slowbro and Slowking - that also happened with two Shiny ones. I thought my friend needed a Slowbro for Trainer battles more, so I evolved a few for that, regular and Galarian. There was so much to think about.
Pikachu: Pika chu pi. ["Very much so."]
Me: There was, wasn't there? Kanto or Galar, Trainer battles or raids, Shiny or not Shiny... you could make a list that goes on and on. But I'll take care of anything else that you missed later on.
Goh: Was this a slow day?
Me: Maybe, maybe not. But it's never a dull moment with Pokémon, that's for sure. Even with something as dopey as Slowpoke.
Ash, Goh: Ha ha ha!!!
Me: It's fun(ny) how that is.
One year ago: Countermeasures for Pokémon Go: "Over" Time?
Two years ago: New Pokémon Go Bonus Hour Experiments
Three years ago: On Blogging and Microblogging
Four years ago: Character Songs
Five years ago: "You Shall Not Pass" - Hard-to-Access Gyms and PokéStops
Six years ago: Alton : Food :: I : Pokémon
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