Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Pokémon Tidbits from Different Places

As a Pokémon fan, I'm apt to gather or collect things related to it from different sources and even places. That happens all the time, whether I'm actively doing so or not. And that is exactly what had happened over some of the past weeks, even closer to today. I obtained a few little things related to Pokémon, which is why I opted to call them "tidbits" as in the title. They also come from different places, reflecting my varied Pokémon experiences.

I start by addressing the largest of these "tidbits". It's a Pokémon (here as Pocket Monsters) cap with a net. Furthermore, it was apparently made for the Korean market, judging from the Korean script; the tag also indicates that it is an officially licensed piece of merchandise from or for the Sun and Moon series. There are even some remaining handwritten bits of Korean script, which does make me question where it came from. Regardless, I picked this up from a friend of a friend who offered it for cheap, and I willingly took the offer. I've found it's slightly small for my head - which leads me to believe that it is in fact a child's cap - but it could work well as a Pokémon prop. It's still a fine bit of Pokémon merchandise.

Continuing the Korean thread, I also received a card for the TCG, but in Korean. It is obviously for the Pokémon species of Omanyte, which as far as I'm concerned has its own renown. In this case, it's clear that for this card to be played, a fossil card has to be played first; meanwhile, a little bit of research reveals that the attack possessed by this Omanyte also demands the Trainer to flip a coin, which leads to a Paralyzed status for the opponent if it comes out as heads. Likewise, I had gotten this from a friend, and its actual origins are unknown to me. But with the above, it becomes perfectly clear that Pokémon has its following in those lands as well, and some of the pieces are now in my possession.

The last item is the one in the black box. It's a custom merchandise I obtained from one of the booths in the latest convention I attended, and it's Pikachu in clay art form. It looks cutesy and detailed even in clay art form, which should also speak for the creator's attention to detail. The booth happens to be run by an acquaintance of one of my friends, and seeing that it has custom Pokémon stuff (among others), I just had to purchase something to show my support for the enterprise. It's also clear why it's in the box, because it's rather fragile; I'm surprised it has managed to remain intact. If the booth returns to a convention someday and I have some funds to spare, I will definitely support its Pokémon side further.

Much always goes on for Pokémon in all of its different forms, but little things can also be gotten that may just represent those happenings. If anything, the "little" things that I obtained above may be considered to be such, representing parts of the grand schemes of creativity, competition, and collectibles wherever they might be considered to persist. And now they continue to persist where I am today.

One year ago: On the Planning of Posts
Three years ago: Pokémon Conferences?
Four years ago: Add Hope and Tears...
Six years ago: Pokémon and Music Games

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