Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Rainbow Pokémon Fantasies

A natural phenomenon that has inspired a number of fantasies is the rainbow. It's a brilliant phenomenon that involves light separating into color components. Being an "offshoot" of the real world, the phenomenon is also present in the world of Pokémon, and it too is a part of fantasies involving this world. With that, I've decided to take a post to review how that fantasy becomes manifested through certain Pokémon things.

The most obvious one in this regard is the Legendary Pokémon species of Ho-Oh, which has been associated with the presence of said phenomenon in the sky, both as it flies and as it rests somewhere. Even its feather resembles the phenomenon and has been said to have a dazzling and indicative quality about it. In many ways, Ho-Oh is therefore quite identifiable with and emblematic of the phenomenon.

Pokémon species come in different colors and possess different types, both of which are often in close proximity and association with each other. It is this fact that drove some people to conceive competitive formats that evoke or approximate the phenomenon. Though the formats may or may not have led to the desired results, they're still reminiscent of the phenomenon, and that seems simply fair.

Besides legends and types, the natural phenomenon is the background theme for a Pokémon song that may or may not have been heard by many fans. Either way, it's a heartfelt and sentimental song that deserves to be listened to by any Pokémon fan, particularly regardless of background. It may be said to be something that colors life with Pokémon in different ways as with the phenomenon that inspires it.

Speaking of which, there is one last Pokémon matter related to rainbows that is currently very much relevant... but I'm not ready to discuss it at the moment. It's particularly relevant as every rainbow appears to begin and end at certain places, and the matter ties into both, especially the "end" part. And while the matter may be fleeting just like how rainbows are, I also see that may just depend on perception - so I shelve it for now.

If a certain song (that I won't mention here) suggests that rainbows depend on the way one sees things, then with Pokémon in mind, there seems to be many ways of seeing that natural phenomenon and tying it into different situations. And they are all fantastic in all of their own ways, which is why I've opted to round them up in a post. However it's manifested, including for Pokémon, the rainbow remains a fantastic inspiration nonetheless.

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