Monday, March 13, 2023

Here Comes a Factions Cycle

It's been some time in the works, but now it is coming to fruition. The next Cycle for Silph Arena Factions, Cycle 4 of Season 2, will start the main formal process of its first Bout tomorrow, and I'm in it with a team - SWEEP JR - furthermore as its Captain. Being essentially a "team sport", there's certainly a lot of coordination to be had in this effort, some of which I had explained in my "team reveal" post. Yet the coordination doesn't stop there, for there are still other things that have (or had) to be taken to make smooth progress.

One of those things is to make the RSVP so that my team can participate. This is what I was hoping to make and confirm before I made the "team reveal" post, but by now that's a fait accompli - and so too is the RSVP, which confirms my team's participation. That took place over the past week along with those of all the rest of the teams of the Open tier in the APAC region, which is my region. It's a crowded tier, with 38 other teams; although my team will only meet nine others, owing to the scheduling, it's those nine teams and the coordination that will occur with them that will become pivotal.

That said, being that I'm in the Captain role, it makes me very much nervous. All the things that need to be coordinated within my team and with other teams have to go through me, although some of the internal stuff is alleviated slightly with my manager's presence. The external stuff? That's still mostly my responsibility, and it will take place over a certain platform familiar to gamers around the world - having it is practically a requirement for a Factions Captain like me. Going into Factions for the first time is a lofty thing indeed, but doing so as a Captain demands that I have to go above and beyond. It's a bit of an unexpected role, but given what I know, it also seems very much expected.

Even now, many things are still prepared. My team members, including me, have been preparing and refining potential Pokémon teams that we can then use in battle. It has to be done now, even though developments during the Cycle may alter and shift the course of battles in that time. As the Captain, I also have to prepare communication routines, for both within and outside the Faction, as above. All this continues in the next 9+1 weeks ahead - the +1 week is actually a break week, more on this later - as the last Cycle of this season begins and unfolds with my "junior" team.

Whatever happens, the ultimate test will occur in that time for SWEEP JR and everyone involved as part of the team, as well as the greater SWEEP and national Factions family. If anything, by the above, Factions can be regarded as an ultimate test for any Trainer in Pokémon Go PvP competitions, especially with others beyond one's borders. To that effect, with this debuting team, I have opened a proverbial PvP "door" for my "dreams" to escape; the next challenge, during the Cycle, may be to keep the "nightmares" out of it.

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